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355 kWhs
Joined: Nov 7, 2023
Last seen: Jun 29, 2024
Topics: 6 / Replies: 28
RE: Advice on potential HW Cylinder size

@bontwoody I do like the look of the Mixergy cylinders, and especially like the look of the new HG one, however the installer is wedded to fitting a v...

3 months ago
RE: Advice on potential HW Cylinder size

@toodles We thought about the sunamp but decided against it eventually. Mostly because of the increased cost upfront, along with the fact that we have...

3 months ago
RE: Advice on potential HW Cylinder size

@derek-m Thanks for that - The minimum with regards to the MCS regs for the four of us would be 180, so both are over that. I intend to run th...

3 months ago
RE: Issues with installer's use of pipework for Vaillant Arotherm ASHP

@editor Thanks for that, appreciated. I looked and the the longest run I can find is around 5-6m for the 16mm. I found the exact specs for this mlcp a...

3 months ago
RE: Issues with installer's use of pipework for Vaillant Arotherm ASHP

@bontwoody Thanks for that, I read that article and got a lot from it. My main worry is/was that the plastic pipe hasn't been increased in size enough...

3 months ago
RE: Issues with installer's use of pipework for Vaillant Arotherm ASHP

I've been looking at the info on DT over on Heatgeek again and think I understand it better now. From what I can see the fact the system is being fed ...

3 months ago
RE: Choosing between two quotes for ASHP, Solar and EV

I forgot to add that the quote for the sunamp was also offered with a cylinder for 1350 less, which is what we would do if we went for that quote. I s...

5 months ago
RE: Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

@judith Thanks, I've found two local companies who seem ok and are saying the right things so I'm getting quotes from them to see how it looks.

6 months ago
RE: Installation queries for Grant Aerona

@hughf I'll check but I think the frames are too old and too narrow. You say you think the triple has made a difference?

6 months ago
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