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Joined: Mar 22, 2024
Last seen: Jul 18, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 52
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

Perhaps it might help if I add the following: If a house has a heat loss of 6kW at the design temperature (say, -2C), then to keep the house warm (at ...

1 week ago
RE: Aira Heat Pump: Stylish Scandinavian Heating

It may have been free for you because they have had to cancel through no fault of yours. But the customer has to sign the contract before they do the ...

2 weeks ago
RE: Are Octopuses Slowing Consumer Adoption of Heat Pumps?

@judith Octopus eventually turned me down on the grounds that they will not do any install that requires them to do work on any roof. The only viable ...

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@lucia Are BG specifying a buffer or low loss header? I'm curious whether Brendon's influence has had an effect.

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

I found Octopus were just as bad on that. I lost patience and simply told them to bill me for what I use each month. It does mean that budgeting is a ...

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

I'm guessing that the Which? figures don't take into account this factor, which could tip the balance towards Agile, as it applies to all your electri...

2 weeks ago
RE: Renewables & Heat Pumps in the News

My impression is that Octopus are just going to tell the customer "Sorry, you don't fit our criteria, but here are the details of a company who might ...

3 weeks ago
RE: Octopus Energy new Cosy tariff.

I've seen one calculation for a Tesla powerwall that worked out that the capital cost of the battery spread over its life equates to about 25p per kWh...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@heacol That's quick work, Brendon! I don't suppose you happen to know when BG will have the capability to do installs in the St Albans area? Currentl...

4 weeks ago
RE: Aira Heat Pump: Stylish Scandinavian Heating

@toodles I was assuming the same thing. So, it might not be an issue. I'm not sure how often the refrigerant leaks.

4 weeks ago
RE: Renewables & Heat Pumps in the News

I would think so. It sounds like Octopus are just making an introduction, so I'm guessing customers just get quoted the same as if the customer came t...

4 weeks ago
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