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Joined: Apr 24, 2021
Last seen: Jan 23, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 17
RE: Rate your air source heat pump installer & installation

Does anyone have a Panasonic 12kw ashp fitted to a new-build? We will be moving soon to the above, & would be interested to hear how theirs is per...

3 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@batalto Is this tariff from Octopus Go only for owners of an EV?

3 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@batalto Do you need to own an EV in order to go onto the Octopus Go Tariff?

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@kev-m Which provider did you just sign up with, Kevin? It sounds like a good deal atm.

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@batalto My mistake, I meant electricity, not heat. Have been reading about thermal stores, heat batteries & electricity batteries, will continu...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@batalto If we have If we have an ashp (but no solar), is it possible for us to store heat generated from the early hours in a battery & us...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

Hi Kev What are the main benefits of having the lower rates during the early hours, while we are asleep, apart from maybe charging an electric vehic...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

We would be interested in finding out more about how to improve the efficiency of ashps during the colder months. Thank you

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@derek-m Have had a look at Avro & their tariffs do look quite competitive compared to some of the other providers. What is their customer serv...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

Apologies, George, if you’ve received 2 similar replies from me just now. I’m new to the forum site & still learning.

4 years ago
Thanks George. Symbio sounds like a very competitive tariff. But your electricity spend so far sounds an awful lot for less than a year. Is this for business or domestic use?

Thanks George. Symbio sounds like a very competitive tariff. But your electricity bill is very high. Do you run a business or are you a domestic user?

4 years ago
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