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735 kWhs
Joined: Aug 20, 2022
Last seen: Apr 24, 2024
Topics: 14 / Replies: 91
RE: Massive Electricity Cost for Running My Air Source Heat Pump

A simple way to look at this is that a house needs X watts of energy to stay warm An oil boiler is probably 80-95% efficient? An ASHP is s...

3 months ago
RE: Power surge (?) caused Ecodan damage

Could be covered, but by the time we pay excess, increased premium next year, etc I doubt it'll be worth itMight be a good shout about testing the mot...

11 months ago
RE: Heat pumps and on/off working - starting to quantify it

Also, since this is ultimately cost Vs comfort, I 'ought' to build in the effect of time of use tarrifs. I'm definitely not going to do that, Wit...

11 months ago
RE: Solax X1 Hybrid G3 w/ 3x T5800 HV batteries

The thing is with something second hand it’s they don’t have the choice to pick the spec etc. so although I know it’s still early in it’s lifes...

11 months ago
RE: Power cut, now 2x fan motors and PCB bust

@abernyte who knows. Surely the DNO should be ensuring our supply is within the legal tolerance limits? Would local surge protection even help w...

11 months ago
RE: Power cut, now 2x fan motors and PCB bust

@derek-m yes you’re quite right. Everyone pointing fingers at each other What I do have in my favour is the recording from the solar inverter. I...

11 months ago
RE: Working with my Ecodan

Does your system pump hot water around constantly so you get quick hot water from the tap (secondary return) as this could eat up the hot water. Or...

11 months ago
RE: Heat pump delta T too low - 2c

@sunandair yes good shout. we’re planning on retrofitting the two rooms which are at either end of the housr i think lounge will get UFH so w...

1 year ago
RE: Heat pump delta T too low - 2c

My Ecodan isn’t the preplumbed variety so the primary pumps are just connected via a power cable to the FTC board. Therefore a fixed speed with no PWM...

1 year ago
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