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Solar Panels Installed - hopefully turned on in the next week or so

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Recently got ASHP and have been building a garage/office so have had solar panels installed. Battery coming soon too.

Panels are GSM in roof panels. Think the actual models are Trinasolar from China. We got 14 at 390 watt each so 5.46KW.

Looking forward to seeing how it all works out.

22222AB8 804D 4AE5 8F43 B1DEDAD268BB
4927CF9E CA54 424A B4C9 A581D0F3E495
C5196E16 8577 4578 A292 2E32B2B7EFC3

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After a few false starts these and the battery were finally turned on and commissioned yesterday. 

Panels performing significantly above expectations. Part sunny part cloudy today and we’ve had results exceeding the rating. 

14 panels, 390 watt each should be 5.46KW array but have had as high as 5.88KW production so far. 

IMG 2026
IMG 2028
IMG 2492
IMG 2493
IMG 2687
IMG 2682

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New record, 6KW production from 5.46KW installation. Pleasing.

IMG 2694


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I believe that the specified output of a solar panel is based upon a standard iradiance of 1000W per square metre. Maximum output can therefore occur during intermittent cloudy days, when the panels are in direct sunlight, but also receiving reflected sunlight from nearby clouds. Unfortunately it is not possible to encourage the clouds to remain in this ideal position throughout the day. 🙄 

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It started really producing at about 6.30am this morning and so far has produced 35kWh. That has powered the house, charged the battery from 9% to full, put 2.5kWh into the Eddi for the water and exported 4kWh to the grid.

I’m not sure what I was expecting but I’m gobsmacked. It’s been between 12 and 14 degrees and cloudy so not optimal conditions but not bad.

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@marvinator80 impressive.  We have been toying with the idea of getting similar on our roof.

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.

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Still going well. Very cloudy day yesterday so only 15KW. It’s already done 15KW today as the sun is well and truly out so hoping for a record day.

Yesterday my move to Octopus Tracker kicked in so with all these measures combined it’s a total game changer for us in terms of cost. 

I’ve signed up as well now to Octopus Outgoing Tariff but it says it will take a few weeks for that to go through. For everything I’m sending to the grid at the moment is that just lost?

I couldn’t se anything up for outgoing until I got my MCS Certificate which was only on Wednesday. 

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Performing well today for a 5.46KW array. Satisfying.

IMG 2748


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@marvinator80 You say that the temperature was between 12 and 14 degrees; this is very good for panel production; a cool but sunny day may produce more than a warm one might. Panels are ‘speced’ at 25 degrees C and for every degree above that, there will be losses for any given irradiance. I have observed with my Canadian Solar panels (8.1 kWp) that a cool sunny day can be very productive indeed! Regards, Toodles,

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.


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@toodles we had that 2 days ago Toodles. About 16 degrees and sunny and we got 35KwH out of it. Yesterday same temperature but very overcast and wet, only 15KwH. 

Happy with it and perhaps wishing I had gone bigger. Can add batteries in instalments of 5KW from my current 10 to a max of 20, but the inverter being 5KW I’m not sure it would be worth it.

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@marvinator80 I’m afraid my nerdiness requires that one of the first things I look at on my iPhone or iPad in the morning is the Tesla app to see how the solar yield is looking! Looking at Met Office and asking Amazon smart speaker for weather forecasts tends to be rough and ready and of course doesn’t alter anything a jot as to what we will actually get that day! My best yield days were 24th May and 4 June, both days yielded 51.5 kW/h and May as a whole produced 1,043.2 kW/h and June gave a total of 1,104.4 kW/h. At present, we have some scaffolding shading some panels on one roof as we were having slight problems requiring access to the panels to solve. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.



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