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PV Inverter Experience/Advice/Support

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Posted by: @filipe

we then inset it 15 minutes. I know from billing that the timing is accurate.

The timing is 'accurate' for you only because the offset being applied by your Electricity Smart Metering Equipment (ESME) falls within the first 15mins of the half-hour billing periods.
That is true for about 83% of users with Smart Meters.

The following graph demonstrates how the randomised timing system will be perceived by a notional set of 4000 users with Smart Meters.

TariffOffset 4k

If the random number seeded into your ESME during manufacture had instead created a greater Randomised Offset to your Tariff Switch Table, then you would be paying for a portion of the electricity at the peak rate whilst recharging your batteries from 00:45.

That's why I wrote that your installer had "hedged your bets".
He guessed that the Randomised Offset applied to your Tariff Switch Table would be in the 83% of the population.

In your case he was correct.


Posted by: @iancalderbank

there's no simple (yes I know people have coded stuff) streamlined way yet that I'm aware of to take dynamic pricing into a battery setup

I don't think anyone has coded this.
To do requires access to data held within the ESME.

That data is within the Secure Perimeter of the meter.

Writing code to access that information requires being a Party recognised by the SEC.

There is no SMETS command which can be transmitted across the National Smart Meter Network which allows remote access to data within the Secure Perimeter.

It is not possible for an Energy Supplier to know the time at which your Smart Meter commences a half-hour period with a cheaper tariff.


I have used terms in writing the above (italics), which are defined within the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification 2013/14.
This is in an attempt to have clarity, rather than to be obtuse!

Please feel free to ask for further explanation if you wish.
I'm happy to do so, provided it does not compromise the security of the UK energy supply.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Transparent

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Returning back to the original point made by @retrobod -

You will now understand that it is the storage of the electricity produced by your solar panels which has become the important issue of the moment.

The amount you get paid for exporting to the grid has been falling over the last 20 years from 53p per kWh to as low as 4p.
You may want to discuss this with your Installers who have provided quotations.

It is very unlikely to be viable to install solar panels if you intend offsetting the capital cost against 'profit' from the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).
There's no longer any profit to be made.

It all depends on why you feel that now is the time to install 4.25kW of solar panels.

Please do discuss this here.
We are particularly tolerant of points being raised by those who do not yet understand the principles. 🙂 

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Transparent

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