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Interesting PV and HP combined into one panel

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Very interesting concept from the Netherlands - they say they can get a SCOP of 4.5 with 2.7m2 of panels per KW needed

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

Noble Member Member
5487 kWhs
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Very interesting. Thank you.

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.

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Posted by: @batalto

Very interesting concept from the Netherlands - they say they can get a SCOP of 4.5 with 2.7m2 of panels per KW needed

Hi Batalto,

Shortly after I had the solar PV system installed many years ago, I was looking at ways in which to optimise the output, and one of the things that I thought about was running water through copper pipes fixed to the back of the panels to cool them, and hence improve their efficiency. I did not go ahead with doing so because of the difficulty of retrofitting pipework on the panels, and also the fact that to maintain eligibility for FIT payments you cannot make modifications to your system without prior approval.

I am very pleased to see that someone else came up with the idea and actually produced a commercially available system. A system like this would certainly be useful for properties with limited space for mounting panels, either solar PV or solar thermal. Combined with the heat pump is even better, though I would be interested to see details of how the system works in practice. I assume that the PVT panels act as the Evaporator, and because the area of the panels would be much larger than an evaporator in a normal monobloc heat pump, there is no requirement for the large fan.

Do you have any details of the cost of the panels etc.

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3655 kWhs
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@derek-m I saw somewhere that it's about €1000 per m2. Assuming 2.7m2 (as they state) per KW it's still quite expensive. I need 12kw so would need €23,000 (£20,000) for a system to replace my current one. Although that also includes the PV as well at 320w per panel. Still quite expensive all in

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE



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