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[Sticky] Say hello and introduce yourself

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Hi, I am Henriette, we live on the west coast of Scotland in a 14 year old house which was build with UFH and airforce heat pump.

We have lived here for 1 year, current system a NIBE air source heat pump.

We have also recently installed solar panels and 8 storage batteries.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Henriette

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@london-trader we had a similar problem, until I started communicating with them on twitter.... yes twitter, and everything got sorted, and we live far out on the west coast of Scotland... 

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@henriette, welcome to the forums. Please feel free to start a new thread dedicated to your system and set up where you can share your experiences, performance and updates.

Ah, I’ve just seen you’ve already done that:

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Hi, thanks for letting me join.


We're hopefully moving house in the new year to a very rural, nearly new build.

We're looking at installing lots of renewables, so questions will be incoming. 😉 

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Hello @myheadhurts and welcome to the forum.

So don't leave us guessing. Moving from what area to what area?

Is the move related in any way to concerns about energy and style of life? Or is it for more mundane issues, like work?

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From a relative newcomer myself, may I say welcome to you, I’m quite sure you will be very busy for some months making the transition to your new abode and wish you well with all that entails Renewables is definitely the way to go! I have just had my first export figures for our 8.1kWp. Solar PV array and I am not displeased! 47 days (starting on 7th. Sept., so the sun is beginning to be a little ‘laid back’ about appearing here); nevertheless we have credit to the amount of £224.97 pence. Once I have the Tesla Powerwall installed (ordered in Feb.) I hope to use more of this energy myself but have been doing the utmost to home consume by being flexible when we cook, wash and tumble dry clothes, bake bread, use the immersion heater etc.;-))) We had a survey carried out for a proposed ASHP today and await their findings; we are looking at having a Daikin heat pump and a Sunamp Thermino heat store for the hot water as space is at a premium in our abode.

[Transparent] Apologies, but I found 18pt far too loud!  I've 'moderated' your welcome message down to 12pt. Hope that's ok with you!

This post was modified 2 years ago by Transparent

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @transparent

Hello @myheadhurts and welcome to the forum.

So don't leave us guessing. Moving from what area to what area?

Is the move related in any way to concerns about energy and style of life? Or is it for more mundane issues, like work?

Hi @Transparent,

We're in Gloucestershire. We've been looking to move for about 3 years, just taken until now to find the right property, about 10 miles away.

We moved to our current property when our daughter was 3 (she'll be 20 next year), good schools etc etc.

We're moving for sustainability and family.

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That's sounds like a good move @myheadhurts  If you're only relocating 10 miles, then I guess you've done so with a fair amount of knowledge about the potential sustainable lifestyle which you might be able to achieve in that new area.

I'm one of those who enjoys 'Partner' status with your DNO, which is now called National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED). That means I have access to their network maps, data and future energy strategy. For security and copyright reasons I obviously can't just post this treasure trove online. But it does mean that I can see great detail regarding the grid status for your new house, and can check out possible energy-related projects you might have in mind.

All DNOs must migrate to become Distribution System Operators (DSOs). They still may not own or control generation or storage assets, but they must include such devices within the overall picture for how the grid develops. This includes greater liaison with Councils (particularly Local Planning Authorities) and Community Energy Groups.

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@myheadhurts, welcome to the forums. When you’re ready you can start a thread dedicated to your questions and your new property.

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I’m sorry if I am rather loud but due to a visual handicap, I struggle with small text sizes and have to enlarge my screen and use a lot of moving the image around to read a line of text then scan back again to start the next line. Sorry I don’t mean to shout but that’s life I suppose.

Regards, Toodles

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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My apologies @toodles. That was a factor which I hadn't considered. Please continue to post here, and thank you for reminding me to be more considerate.

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That’s Ok Transparent, no apology required, there was no reason for you to know, just one of those things in life - good things come out of being partially sighted; one of them being that it was how I came to meet my now-wife in 1974!;-)))

Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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