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Totally bewildered with my ECO4 heat pump installation

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Posted by: @lenny

ECO4, and the previous iterations, are funded by Energy suppliers being legally obligated to help reduce the nation's carbon footprint. ECO4 does this by funding lower income people and people in certain areas of disability to improve their footprint and in doing so help them reduce their energy costs. It is not taxpayer funded and recipients are entitled to it. As has been said, it is not "free" and there is no reason for an install under it to be second rate.

This adds mind-boggling layers of complexity. Is it an elaborate Ponzi scheme? Is it some form of Tory government money laundering scheme for private companies? I could go on, but if it is 'simply' funded by energy suppliers then we must ask where do the energy suppliers get their funds from? Why, you and me, of course! From what I can see through the smoke and mirrors, the source of the funds is one of the many levies paid by energy customers through their bills. In effect, it is a tax, administered by the energy companies. What could possibly go wrong?

Posted by: @lenny

Above is slightly off topic I know but the point is the system takes advantage (of people that can least fight it) in the same way as some contractors seem to be doing with ECO4. 

Maybe a bit off topic, but still a useful addition to the thread because it reminds us that questionable implementations of 'benefit' schemes are endemic.


Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@cathoderay It certainly seems a get rich scheme for a few.

I expected a basic installation, no fancy radiators etc.. I knew it was financed by the energy companies' excessive profits, that it was paid for by everyone using grid energy. Think it is called greenwashing, I may be wrong, buying carbon credits at whatever cost.

The installation here has been a tick box exercise from start to maybe finish. As I have said before I have been described as pragmatic, not given to making much of a fuss,  but Eco4 has reduced me to tears on so many occasions.

No "paying" customer would tolerate the installation here. There is basic and there is bog standard, hope that expression doesn't offend anyone, the latter applies here.

I have described my experience of Eco4  elsewhere, no idea how much contractors are being paid and what for. Others have expressed my feelings far better than I can, the demoralising effect of being a charity case, told you are getting it for nothing so be grateful. Crumbs from the rich man's table....


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Just to say I'm very much agreeing with the anger and frustration with how the scheme works.  It's inexcusable and nothing I am about to say is meant in any way to excuse it.

More positively however, a kit of parts has been installed which, properly configured, very likely can be an effective and cost effective heating system, the latter particularly if the system it replaced was electric.  I (and doubtless others on the forum) are willing to try to provide some suggestions on how to get it to that point if those who have the systems wish and can provide some information.

4kW peak of solar PV since 2011; EV and a 1930s house which has been partially renovated to improve its efficiency. 7kW Vaillant heat pump.


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@jamespa Thank you. Don't know what to do.

I have had enough. Fortunately I have taken pictures of most of the installation so hopefully I won't be thought of as just another nit picker.

The company involved was once again going to send people to correct faults identified by an inspector but I have had enough. They are the same people who left the faults. One of them called last week, one bad job was replaced by another. 

Perhaps faults may be thought only fairly minor or cosmetic but I have to live with them, constantly reminded that I was foolish enough to allow major works without seeing plans, contracts or work schedules. I feel as though it has been done to me not for me, that I am responsible for my disappointment. 


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@dwynwen sadly you need to give them (yet another) chance to fix the installation or you will be prevented from from any further redress.

Do you have a written list of tasks that need correcting and what you want to see?

You are entitled to a working, efficient heating system which doesn’t blight your home. You don’t expect to be trodden on. If you were entitled to gather grant good and from then on you should have the same standards of work as everyone else.

2kW + Growatt & 4kW +Sunnyboy PV on south-facing roof Solar thermal. 9.5kWh Givenergy battery with AC3. MVHR. Vaillant 7kW ASHP (very pleased with it) open system operating on WC

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@dwynwen - @judith makes good points. In particular, a list of problems/things that need sorting would be very useful. Not an exhaustive list, just the main/serious/urgent ones to start with. It will help focus minds (including yours!). Posting some of the photos you already have would also be useful, pictures and 1000 words and all that.

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@judith Thank you for good advice but I have had enough.

So tired of it all now.

A lot will be dismissed as minor or cosmetic but it is my home and I have to live with reminders that I allowed it to happen. My responsibility. I am not usually a stupid person but as I keep  saying I should have had sight of a contract, work schedule, specifications before I allowed work to start. Then I allowed myself to be bullied in my own home, or spoken to in an overbearing manner.

Again my lack of thought. I hadn't taken into account the cost of restoration to a reasonably comfortable home. I allowed a wash basin to be removed to allow a radiator to be installed, I will have to pay for that to be plumbed into its new location. At times, though, I was asked about radiator placements, one was moved at my request. The tradespeople were kind and friendly, aware I had just come home from hospital, did their best to see that I stayed warm. One said he wasn't happy about his task, it was barely legal, if at all, he phoned his office who told him to get on with it. It has now been undone.

Just had an email from company. They said they were following ECO4 guidelines, but guidelines can be interpreted many ways not the same as rules and regulations.

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@cathoderay I have made lists, taken pictures. I have shed blood through ECO4, cut my hand on rough finish, not a serious injury but it took quite a while to mend.

As I said above, I have had enough. It has been so good to have so many helpful comments, really appreciated. No idea what will happen now. There has been enough waste already; hard  to believe a scheme meant to protect the environment would generate so much.


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@jamespa - I’ve finally got to grips with the Senso panel (i think..)

I’ve attached pics that link to your questions. The only one I couldn’t make sense of was ‘value against room temp mod’

i hope this makes sense?

thank you 🙏


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Posted by: @dwynwen

As I said above, I have had enough.

One more 'helpful comment' :-

It's possible that your situation might end up being handled by the Citizens' Advice Bureau because they administer the Consumer Rights Act (2015).

Rather than the legal/formal constraints which get applied by the Small Claims Division of the High Court, the route of the Consumer Rights Act has options for mediation and arbitration.

However, you might compromise your position if you post on an open forum anything which could be construed by the other party(ies) as you not following through an existing redress procedure.

This point 'cuts both ways'.
You can also use the helpful posts here on the Forum as part of the 'evidence' which you submit to support your complaint. 🙂 

Once you've started receiving technical analysis and advice on a Forum, you're basically obligating yourself to respond to the technical expertise which is being offered.


... and I speak from experience of having seen redress in a legal case being undermined by comments which were made 'out of court'.
The true facts of the matter were able to be countered by the other side asserting that there was 'bad faith' by the appellant.


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Posted by: @cathoderay

Is it some form of Tory government money laundering scheme for private companies?

Now that is moving off topic 😏  but ECO is a follow on from CESP and CERT, both started under Blair.


Posted by: @cathoderay reminds us that questionable implementations of 'benefit' schemes are endemic.

but are the schemes that people needing that help have to use. Questionable implementation is not a problem for those entitled to "benefits" and we all have the power to change the Implementers (?)  every 5 years ..... 

but that discussion really is hijacking JanieQ's topic 😌 


Samsung 12kw ASHP, nine 415w PV panel array, upgraded radiators and DHW water tank (+ pumps etc). Two wireless zone thermostat controllers and Samsung MWR-WW10N

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