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Summer routine - should I just shutdown my ASHP?

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Just starting out on this path....

Our summer usage of HW is very low. We use hardly any and with solar, use a whistling kettle on the induction hob to heat water! Is it worth shutting off the ASHP completely? Over here in west Wales it's generally very mild and no heating is required during summer months....

This topic was modified 6 months ago by Mars

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I used to do the same as had solar PV diverter but now get paid 15p for export from PV so I leave the ASHP on for heating the water, I heat water overnight at 7p per kwh.

If its solar thermal than yes seems like a no brainer to turn off the ASHP.

So if your motivation is financial that it depends on what export you get for your PV, if any.  If its deemed export you could assess whether its better to come off that and move to measured that's what I did, deemed was only worth £80 a year, measured is significantly more and storing excess PV as hot water during the summer I found not particularly useful and if there was a few days straight of good weather the amount that could be stored was less and less before we started exporting.

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@gary thanks for the reply.

We have no diverter and don't plan on having one. Our hot water demand is very low if not zero. Electric shower & dishwasher etc.  So it seemed daft to run the heat pump at all, even on cheap(er) electricity in the summer. Early days...

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@profzarkov Probably just an experiment then can you manage with boiling water as an when you need it and leaving the heat pump off through the summer although its not really a summer thing is it? The same applies to winter unless your hot water usage increases in winter for some other reason?  You just never need your heat pump for hot water as your usage is so low.

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@gary thanks


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