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Panasonic BZ Heat Pump PM2.5 filter query

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As Derek has observed, the literature seems to indicate that this unit does not have a physical pm2.5filter per se.  It uses some proprietary technology/magic, Nanoe-G,  to trap or eliminate particles by ionising water droplets. I doubt that this is a mis-described product.

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Posted by: @abernyte

As Derek has observed, the literature seems to indicate that this unit does not have a physical pm2.5filter per se.  It uses some proprietary technology/magic, Nanoe-G,  to trap or eliminate particles by ionising water droplets. I doubt that this is a mis-described product.

No, that's a different model.  The one I have clearly says it has PM2.5 filtration.  Mine is the BZ, which clearly lists PM2.5 Filtration capabilities.  It's the more expensive TZ model that uses their Nanoe tech.  Mine certainly does not have that.

I'm going to ponder this further and consider my options.  Thank you @Mars for your suggestions.

Attached is the data sheet from Panasonic themselves, used in their marketing material.  This is the information installers provide to potential customers and it was this unit, with these specs, that I was sold.



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Agh..okay Does your unit have the secondary filter indicated in the manual?  It seems to be an activated charcoal mesh sandwich.



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