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Settings for NIBE F2040 & SMO 20

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I have a NIBE F2040 with an SMO 20 controller.  It was installed last summer, and I changed some settings to our preference, which worked fine.  And I changed them again for winter; also fine.

We also have solar panels (no battery though; we can only use the electricity as it's produced, during the day).

But now I have been trying to change the settings back again for summer, and it won't do what I want.  I have read the manual, but it is just the menu system in paper form, with no extra explanation, or examples.

I know how to navigate the menu system; I just don't know which settings to change to get it to do what I want!  It is so labyrinthine, and there seem to be so many different places you can change settings that affect the same things.

I can't remember exactly what I did to it last summer, but I have tried all kinds of things (and factory reset it before changing things again), and it still won't behave.

I want the hot water on from 08:30-20:30.  The heating not on at all (either heat pump or additional heat).  So I block the compressor overnight.

So there should be no activity at all between 20:30-08:30.  And from 08:30-20:30 only the hot water (including the periodic increase, which we have set to the middle of the day, not the night as it is by default).

In the morning, I can hear it turning on to heat the water.  But it is also heating the radiators, which I don't want it to.  It can't be a disposing of excess heat thing (does it do that anyway?), as the hot water will have cooled down overnight to some extent.

I am not sure if the heating comes on at any other time or not (that may just be because it's warm at the moment though); I feel like it might have been on in the evening recently (which obviously I also do not want), as I've heard pipes creaking like they do when they expand and contract, but I haven't noticed the radiators getting warm at that time, like they do in the morning.

Don't ask me what my current settings are (they're a mess); I will just factory reset it again, when I know exactly what to change this time.

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Hi, sorry to take so long to reply and I hope you have found the answer you were looking for. I have joined specifically to answer your question.

Do you have the User's Manual (as opposed to the Installer Manual)? You will find the answer on page 40 - Menu 4.2 - Operating Mode. The default is Auto but you can change it to Manual and then deselect 'heating'. In this mode you can't block the compressor but as you only need it for hot water it will only come on when you are running the water heating.

I agree with you that the menus are labyrinthine and not exactly user friendly.

It seems there aren't many people on this forum familiar with Nibe so I hope you find this reply. Again sorry for taking so long.


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