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Samsung ASHP scheduling help

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@broadsman the #2093 setting should be "Room Temp. only ON / OFF" for the Gen 6 controller.

Please make sure #2091 and #2092 are set to "not use" and any external third party thermostats are disconnected.

I did get an error myself but it looked like a flow interruption if I remember correctly. I think it is caused by the change in mode, I just pressed OK and it cleared then everything was running ok. The error for me was "Indoor (200000) / E121" for your info.


This post was modified 3 weeks ago 2 times by TechnoGeek

5 Bedroom House in Cambridgeshire, double glazing, 300mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation
Design temperature 21C @ OAT -2C = 10.2Kw heat loss
Bivalent system containing:
12Kw Samsung High Temperature Quiet (Gen 6) heat pump
26Kw Grant Blue Flame Oil Boiler
All controlled with Honeywell Home smart thermostat

Reputable Member Member
991 kWhs
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Posts: 114

@mike-h I do have the 12Kw Samsung Gen 6 model.

Just to clarify, if you go to the Zone screen you should have the target room or water temp on the left and "Water Outlet" and "Indoor" temperatures on the right. These indicate the actual temperatures the system is seeing



5 Bedroom House in Cambridgeshire, double glazing, 300mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation
Design temperature 21C @ OAT -2C = 10.2Kw heat loss
Bivalent system containing:
12Kw Samsung High Temperature Quiet (Gen 6) heat pump
26Kw Grant Blue Flame Oil Boiler
All controlled with Honeywell Home smart thermostat

Reputable Member Member
991 kWhs
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 114

@mike-h my pump does switch off when the room temp goes 0.5C above my target temp but this only happens with solar gain or my hand is near the controller too long. Most of the time it appears to keep the room at the target temp of 20.5C and the pump running continuously.

Here is my firmware version info

This post was modified 3 weeks ago by TechnoGeek

5 Bedroom House in Cambridgeshire, double glazing, 300mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation
Design temperature 21C @ OAT -2C = 10.2Kw heat loss
Bivalent system containing:
12Kw Samsung High Temperature Quiet (Gen 6) heat pump
26Kw Grant Blue Flame Oil Boiler
All controlled with Honeywell Home smart thermostat


Reputable Member Member
991 kWhs
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 114

@mike-h @broadsman

Posted by: @mike-h

I wonder if your ability to keep room temperature at +/- 0.3C is because you have got your water law settings perfectly set rather than feedback from the controller.


I did a little experiment last night and changed my water law setting to a flat 37C (WL-1) to verify if the controller configured as the thermostat still used this water law or calculated its own water temperatures based on the outside temperatures. It appears that the controller still uses the water law set in WL-1 in my case. The pump continuously runs due to the On /Off only setting in #2093 but the water outlet temperature basically stabilised at 37C for an outside temperature of 6.5C (should be around 44Cish).

In my case @mike-h your assumption is correct and my water law is set about right and is still being used.

This is not the behaviour implied in the video I posted in an earlier posting which indicates the pump "looks at the outside temperature and decides the required temperature to set your radiators to to achieve the indoor temperature set point. When the temperature is reached the pump is reduced to maintain the internal temperature set point" (not verbatim). The radiator temperature seems to still be based on the water law settings for the Gen 6 not some implied clever internal feature.

Apologies for misleading anyone 🙂

This post was modified 3 weeks ago by TechnoGeek

5 Bedroom House in Cambridgeshire, double glazing, 300mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation
Design temperature 21C @ OAT -2C = 10.2Kw heat loss
Bivalent system containing:
12Kw Samsung High Temperature Quiet (Gen 6) heat pump
26Kw Grant Blue Flame Oil Boiler
All controlled with Honeywell Home smart thermostat

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