Samsung 16kW R32 mo...
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Samsung 16kW R32 mono

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Hi all, 

We have recently had an ASHP installed through the ECO4 grant scheme - flex route 3 as our 6 year old son has a severe long-term health condition. We also have solar panels, no battery storage. 

Its been a bit of a nightmare from the off with a change of heat pump from a Mitsubushi Ecodan 14kW and also the cylinder changed. The majority of rads were K1 initially then changed so all K2. 

I will get some photographs and part numbers of the heat pump and cylinder tomorrow and add them to this post. I'm not convinced its been set up correctly after reading numerous posts on here so will take some photos also of the values - is there any in particular I should post?  

I'm also not convinced the heat loss has been calculated correctly - any guidance on calculating this myself? 

Background on property details: 

Existing property - 100m2, double glazed, half house is timber suspended ventilated floor, half concrete (assume no insualtion), 50mm foam filled cavity, 50mm PIR Board added to external walls. 

New extension - 100m2, double glazed, Suspended ventilated floor 150mm PIR UFH (50m2), cavity wall insulation. 

All loft space is minimum of 370mm. 

Unfortunately, we do not have any electric or gas figures from heating previously as the house was heated from a log burner back boiler. Great for the past year or so as the property came with lots of wood supplies, just a bugger to keep it going all the time hence the change. 


P.S. - Mars I have also ordered your book. 

200m2 1930's house with large modern extension.
Samsung 16kW Gen6 ASHP.
4kW PV.

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Posted by: @smit360

P.S. - Mars I have also ordered your book. 

Thank you for your support and hope that you found Bodge Buster helpful. 

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I have exactly this unit and a similar size house so it may not be too far out, I'm a tad oversized but not so much that it affects performance.

to start with, photos of your controller , your airing cupboard, zoom in on any components that look in any way interesting. do you have a seperate thermostat? do you have trv's? 

heatpunk is an easy heat loss calc. but if its already in your time may be better spent trying to get it setup right, the actual loss right now is academic...

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210m2 house, Samsung 16kw Gen6 ASHP Self installed: Single circulation loop , PWM modulating pump.
My public ASHP stats:
11.9kWp of PV
41kWh of Battery storage (3x Powerwall 2)
2x BEVs

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@iancalderbank Thanks for the reply Ian. 

It is set up as 3 heating zones and hot water. The heating zones are controlled individually off of thermostats - UF heating, downstairs radiators, upstairs radiators. When they commissioned it they said to use these as temperature controls and set accordingly, i've now learnt this isn't the most efficient way. 

The majority of rads have TRV's, I have a few to fit once the rooms have been plastered. 


200m2 1930's house with large modern extension.
Samsung 16kW Gen6 ASHP.
4kW PV.

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the golden rules for efficient running are

  • remove TRV's (except possibly bedroom)
  • have all zones calling for heat all the time
  • reduce the flow temperature until the HP runs steadily at constant temperature. Use weather compensation to balance this constantly. have you setup weather compensation?
  • balance the radiators so they all transmit their fair amount of heat


My octopus signup link
210m2 house, Samsung 16kw Gen6 ASHP Self installed: Single circulation loop , PWM modulating pump.
My public ASHP stats:
11.9kWp of PV
41kWh of Battery storage (3x Powerwall 2)
2x BEVs

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- Do the TRV's need to be swapped or will opening up fully suffice? 

- If I set the three wireless thermostats to a maximum figure this would be calling all zones? 

- I will need to set weather compensation up I believe, is there base settings to work from? 

Took some photo's of the install, see below:


 I have two of the EPH wireless stats and a wall mounted heatmiser for the UFH. 

200m2 1930's house with large modern extension.
Samsung 16kW Gen6 ASHP.
4kW PV.


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Hey, same Samsung controller stuff as we have. 

This video seems to match my setup, there are various other videos that tell you how so it's whatever works for you.


From what I know, fully opening the TRV's will be enough, assuming the radiators have already been balanced, i.e. the valves on each turned enough to ensure all radiators get enough flow to reach the same temperature.

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@guthrie thanks for the reply, ill check this out. 


Does anyone recommend a specific energy tariff also? We have a 4kW solar system - no battery storage currently and the ASHP. 

200m2 1930's house with large modern extension.
Samsung 16kW Gen6 ASHP.
4kW PV.

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Posted by: @smit360

- Do the TRV's need to be swapped or will opening up fully suffice? 

not swapped, just take the heads off. But leaving on 5 will do.

Posted by: @smit360

- If I set the three wireless thermostats to a maximum figure this would be calling all zones? 

yes. just use them as an upper limit to stop a massive overheat, or possibly for night setback scheduling (if that becomes appropriate)

Posted by: @smit360

- I will need to set weather compensation up I believe, is there base settings to work from? 

quite a few youtube  out there. search for "grahams heat pump channel".  actual number values you use are always going to be house and radiator dependent.

Posted by: @smit360

Took some photo's of the install, see below:

I can see you have two circulating pumps. The fact there are two usually indicates the presence of a buffer tank or a low loss header, but I can't see one of those in your pictures. Do you have any other components anywhere else?

please photo also the heating screen of your controller so we can see what mode its in.


My octopus signup link
210m2 house, Samsung 16kw Gen6 ASHP Self installed: Single circulation loop , PWM modulating pump.
My public ASHP stats:
11.9kWp of PV
41kWh of Battery storage (3x Powerwall 2)
2x BEVs

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Posted by: @smit360

Does anyone recommend a specific energy tariff also? We have a 4kW solar system - no battery storage currently and the ASHP. 

some are using Cosy. Some Tracker. With a battery, even more so with an EV,  Intelligent Go works well (what I use). it's even possible to use Agile (either home automated, or with a controller such as Homely). lots of threads about this elsewhere on the forum. There's no right answer, it depends on a lot of things. Octopus signup link in my sig if you need one 😉


My octopus signup link
210m2 house, Samsung 16kw Gen6 ASHP Self installed: Single circulation loop , PWM modulating pump.
My public ASHP stats:
11.9kWp of PV
41kWh of Battery storage (3x Powerwall 2)
2x BEVs

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@iancalderbank thanks for the replies, ill follow them and set up the weather compensation when back at the house. 

In regards to the two circulating pumps, a little research on the cylinder shows there is a 50L integrated buffer. No more components, only what's in the photo.

I'm currently on a standard e-on next tariff, a comparison between that and Octopus tracker last night for the last 73 days usage, shown a £170 saving if switched to the tracker. That's just been heating usage and a little electric as we are not currently living in the property whilst finishing up the messy jobs - hopefully be moved back in middle of Feb. 

200m2 1930's house with large modern extension.
Samsung 16kW Gen6 ASHP.
4kW PV.

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IMG 20240131 WA0006


Heating isn't currently on but see photo of screen. 

200m2 1930's house with large modern extension.
Samsung 16kW Gen6 ASHP.
4kW PV.


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