Prepping for the He...
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Prepping for the Heating Season: What’s on Your Heat Pump Checklist?

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It’s that time of year again. Temperatures have dropped, and our heating is officially going on today. As part of our pre-season checks, here’s what I’ve done to get our system ready

  • Topped up the expansion vessel
  • Cleared out any debris around the outdoor fans and fins on the ASHP
  • Cleaned the gauze filter – which, interestingly, was remarkably clean this year, with just a bit of corrosive bits. (See attached photo)

What do you all do for your heat pump checks before the cold sets in? Any routines or tips to share? Let’s compare notes and make sure we’re all set for winter! 

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Am I the only one using a heat pump for heating and not hot water I wonder? Serviced during the summer and with the unit sited away from any leaves, there wasn’t a need to do very much prepping of the monobloc in my case. (Guess what? Our heating was used several times in July!) Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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We have had rubbish weather all "summer" our heating went on a month or so earlier than usual.

Plus was used for cooling during the summer when needed. Basically washed out the Evaporator and strainer in the water system and that was about it.

Maxa i32V5 6kW ASHP (heat and cooling)
6.5kW PV
13.5kW GivEnergy AIO Battery.



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