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Pleurococcus on my fins

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Here in Somerset it is seldom dry and I've begun to notice that our heat pump fins are turning a bit green. This is pleurococcus and I'm sure it will reduce the efficiency a bit.

I'm thinking of spraying the fins with 'Patio Magic' which I use on the patio, fence and conservatory when they look a bit green. Any thoughts?

Noble Member Contributor
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There are specialist cleaning solutions for heat exchanger fin coils. I would recommend you have the heat exchanger cleaned as part of a professional service. A diluted bleach solution would kill any biological growth, but needs to be carefully applied. Don't steam clean or apply under high pressure, e.g.: not with a pressure washer. Most ASHP coil fins ae aluminium, copper is much more expensive and used in commercial applications, it's naturally resistant to biological growth.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I’m inclined to agree with Ally. Don’t use anything abrasive. Have you tried a soft brush with soapy water? A mild vinegar solution could also work. I’d apply the solution to the fins with a spray bottle and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with clean water.

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