Optimising ecodan A...
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Optimising ecodan ASHP

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I think I’ve said it before but mine will cycle anything below 32C.  The difference between flow temp and house temp is too small and your emitters can’t lose the heat the smaller that gap the more cycling you will get.

im using a similar amount 30-40 at milder temps 40-50 at sub zero


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@gary thanks Gary, yes I saw that you said that before which is what made me wonder. Your explanation makes sense - I will keep an eye on it then to make sure it’s sticking to a max of a couple of cycles an hour, and probably leave it at 30.

That’s reassuring! Had a monster day of 70kwh last Saturday but it was v cold all day, lots of chores as it was Saturday and I didn’t set back overnight because it was so cold (don’t know if this is right approach or not but I didn’t want to risk getting into a death spiral)

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