Octopus Cosy 6 inst...
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Octopus Cosy 6 installation (fan boy video)

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@njt Er.... I hadn't even thought about that. I've been faffing over radiators. I didn't realise Octopus still uses glycol. But how odd to use valves at the same time. I wonder what their logic is for that? 🤔

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@njt Oops!  Even Daikin doesn't like glycol - look at this little clip. 🙈

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I've just double checked with the installer and he did say he told me wrong looking through all the boxes and boxes of bits and it's 2 small containers of Fernox F7 biocide not glycol.

So that's a bonus.

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Posted by: @njt

installer and he did say he told me wrong

But strange they are really sure what they install and say they actually check for glycol when they service. Different kit required to check glycol and other additives.


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Posted by: @lucia

Here's the first Octopus Cosy 6 YouTube installation video  - I'm disappointed - the lack of questions or critical reasoning is sad to see.

Nicholas, the homeowner, managed to conjure up TJ, the Octopus heat pump big boss, which makes me question the claim that he paid for the installation - the softball questions smack of a PR agency... 

TJ is the guy I had a bit of a to and fro with on Twitter - when I put it to him that Octopus using 50º design temps was offloading running costs onto customers in exchange for quick hit installs. It's interesting to me, the way he phrased his comment on this in the video which was filmed shortly after our wee debate - I used British Gas as an example to him in our discussion and he knows I'm a journalist. [🤔]

The Cosy:

Designed by a pretty reputable guy but I suspect the brief is plug-and-and-play for Mr & Mrs Jo Public who won't want to think about weather compensation curves or flow rates. That's not an entirely bad logic of course, it's a market that must be addressed and smart-arsed Octopus got in first. 

It's plastic! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

There's all the obvious criticisms of it being just plain ugly, likely to fill up with dead leaves and crap, or snow. The sensor pads in rooms (the miles of trunking on that guy's install (why the f*** did he put it outside his garden), the overselling of the refrigerant being greener and crucially, all that kit bundled inside the case.... but no one questions the data harvesting!

The Cosy can not only be 'updated' by Octopus, it can be physically run - ideally to fit smart tariff timings - but potentially also for load shifting during grid overloading times. 

Meanwhile, Octopus get to harvest all that juicy data and link it to smart meter data - there's gold in them thar hills and no one asks any of the awkward questions about data privacy and rights. 💰

Oh, my days. 🙈

I had my Cosy6 installed before the YouTuber (couple of weeks).  It was cheaper than the Combi boiler quote too.

Personally I don't care they can see the data - it's sort of what makes it a nice setup.

Is being plastic a problem?


This post was modified 4 months ago by Mars

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I had my Cosy6 installed before the YouTuber (couple of weeks).  It was cheaper than the Combi boiler quote too.


Fab! We have captured one in the wild! Would you be so kind as to write a review please? Or maybe it's too soon? Or it could be written in episodes?   😁

Data! I have a 'thing' about it. It is a marketable commodity and it can be cross-referenced with other data to build very detailed pictures. But I understand that for you and running your heat pump it can be useful and potentially less hassle than all the geekery some heat pump owners get into. Me, in my dreams I'm off-grid with a pirate flag tied to the chimney. ✊🏻 🏴‍☠️ 🫢

I was a bit shocked at the plastic construction. It makes it potentially more weatherproof and possibly cheaper to build (?) but it is a petrochemical. 

However, it was designed by Jason Cassells who owned RED before Octopus bought up the company and he has a 'big' reputation for his heat pump designs. If this popularises heat pumps then it's a win but I would really like to see how they operate on the ground so to speak. 


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@lucia Mind you, it is petrochemicals versus energy used to produce all that steel innit? Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@toodles Green energy these days or nearly green... 😁

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@lucia I can certainly write a review - do you want it here or in a new thread?  It was fitted in August so not had much cold weather with it yet.  Obviously fitted by Octopus and I can give you some details on a few things - like survey, order process, the changes made during that process, some customisations and then the install, commissioning, support and finally the remedial work to get me happy....

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Posted by: @wreckguru

I can certainly write a review - do you want it here or in a new thread? 

Please start a new thread.

Can you please email your review to me instead:editor@renewableheatinghub.co.uk

I’ll post it on the main site, and mirror it here on the forums for extra visibility.

Also, please cast a vote here: https://renewableheatinghub.co.uk/forums/renewable-heating-air-source-heap-pumps-ashps/rate-the-quality-of-your-heat-pump-design-and-installation

This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by Mars

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@lucia But we can say Tata to that for a while😉 Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@wreckguru As Mars suggests, an article would be superb! Thank you so much. There's an interesting comment by @JamesPa about data just appeared in the 'is my set back/preheat doing any good' thread btw.


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