Octopus Cosy 6 inst...
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Octopus Cosy 6 installation (fan boy video)

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Here's the first Octopus Cosy 6 YouTube installation video  - I'm disappointed - the lack of questions or critical reasoning is sad to see.

Nicholas, the homeowner, managed to conjure up TJ, the Octopus heat pump big boss, which makes me question the claim that he paid for the installation - the softball questions smack of a PR agency... 

TJ is the guy I had a bit of a to and fro with on Twitter - when I put it to him that Octopus using 50º design temps was offloading running costs onto customers in exchange for quick hit installs. It's interesting to me, the way he phrased his comment on this in the video which was filmed shortly after our wee debate - I used British Gas as an example to him in our discussion and he knows I'm a journalist. [🤔]

The Cosy:

Designed by a pretty reputable guy but I suspect the brief is plug-and-and-play for Mr & Mrs Jo Public who won't want to think about weather compensation curves or flow rates. That's not an entirely bad logic of course, it's a market that must be addressed and smart-arsed Octopus got in first. 

It's plastic! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

There's all the obvious criticisms of it being just plain ugly, likely to fill up with dead leaves and crap, or snow. The sensor pads in rooms (the miles of trunking on that guy's install (why the f*** did he put it outside his garden), the overselling of the refrigerant being greener and crucially, all that kit bundled inside the case.... but no one questions the data harvesting!

The Cosy can not only be 'updated' by Octopus, it can be physically run - ideally to fit smart tariff timings - but potentially also for load shifting during grid overloading times. 

Meanwhile, Octopus get to harvest all that juicy data and link it to smart meter data - there's gold in them thar hills and no one asks any of the awkward questions about data privacy and rights. 💰

Oh, my days. 🙈


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Like most of the comments on YouTube about the video, I can't believe where it's installed. 

Surely he could have installed it inside his garden other side of the wall. 

It's just asking to be damaged, or worse stolen, along with the metres and metres of copper pipework.


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Surely it is there as an advertisement for Octo. If it gets nicked TJ will probably bring another, again no charge. 🤔 

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@njt Yeah, copper piping - it's like gold. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I think @lucia raises a serious point about Kraken data harvesting. I saw on another of Nicholas's videos he talks of the EV charging Tariff Intelligent Go whereby the car has communication with Octo using the api and a sim in the car which has some control of it's functions (Roboapocalypse?). Now I do not have any expertise in these things but it seems another example of Octo harvesting data. Are they trying to be the "Google" of Energy? 

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Yeah, @jancold - I'm working on exactly this subject right now. Ironically, my prep for my heat pump installation in 3 weeks time is eating my time to write. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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I've actually got them here now installing my heat pump. 

All systems go.

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Looks like a gents urinal at a music festival. Only a matter of time until someone pi$$es into it.

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@njt In one of his videos, Nicholas remarks that he didn’t want any units spoiling the space in his garden. 🙄 ! Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @jancold

Now I do not have any expertise in these things but it seems another example of Octo harvesting data. Are they trying to be the "Google" of Energy? 

Could well be a data harvesting example or could the Sim in the car be a simple protocol converter to enable the Octopus Kraken system to talk to the bespoke car software to control the EV charging?

5 Bedroom House in Cambridgeshire, double glazing, 300mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation
Design temperature 21C @ OAT -2C = 10.2Kw heat loss
Bivalent system containing:
12Kw Samsung High Temperature Quiet (Gen 6) heat pump
26Kw Grant Blue Flame Oil Boiler
All controlled with Honeywell Home smart thermostat

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Posted by: @allyfish

Looks like a gents urinal at a music festival. Only a matter of time until someone pi$$es into it.


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I’m aware that usually you have to have a DHW cylinder with a heat pump, but I invested in a Sunamp heat battery to soak up my solar as I had no facility for immersion in my old Hot water cylinder( heated by an oil burner) So my question is : is it mandatory to have cylinder? Or is it straight forward to run an ASHP system purely for heating? As my current oil fired ssystem does?


I know that there are grant stipulations about having to heat both water and space with the HO but that’s a daft rule as all

my hot water in summer etc is free via solar and even in Winter the 2kwh from the panels just about covers the power needed to top up the Sunamp daily! In summer the 4kw array and do as much as23 kWh in a day.


our House is Victorian but has EPC B ( Solar PV, 10kw heat and electric batteries, with newly installed £10k of internal insulation , 75% paid by EST)


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