New 12kW Samsung he...
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New 12kW Samsung heat pump

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Hi, just had a 12kw Samsung installed, to find the most economical way to run the system without having to take out a mortgage to pay for the electricity. This site is great apart from the fact that the majority of things you are talking about such as flow temperatures, weather compensation control and so on mean absolutely nothing to me lol. Do I need to know these things? My husband has no interest what-so-ever, so all up to me! Thank you in anticipation

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Posted by: @rsk14

Hi, just had a 12kw Samsung installed, to find the most economical way to run the system without having to take out a mortgage to pay for the electricity. This site is great apart from the fact that the majority of things you are talking about such as flow temperatures, weather compensation control and so on mean absolutely nothing to me lol. Do I need to know these things? My husband has no interest what-so-ever, so all up to me! Thank you in anticipation

Hi RSK14,

Welcome to the forum, don't worry we will have you talking like a pro in no time. 😎 

The water flow temperature, as the name suggests, is the temperature of the water flowing out of the ASHP after being heated. The water return temperature is the temperature of the water going back to the heat pump to be reheated. There is normally a difference in temperature (Delta T) between flow and return of about 5C to 8C, the flow obviously being the hotter of the two. Together with the rate of flow of the water in litres per minute, the Delta T is a measure of how much heat energy has been transferred from the heat pump into your home.

Weather compensation is a technique used to try to keep a fairly constant temperature within your home, under varying weather conditions. A sensor is used to measure the ambient air temperature and send a signal to the controller. If the controller sees that the outside air temperature is starting to fall, it automatically increases the water flow temperature to provide more heat energy into your home, and thereby counteracts the increased heat demand as the heat loss increases due to the falling ambient air temperature.

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I suggest that you look at the weather compensation curves in your manual, which hopefully will make everything as 'clear as mud'. 😮 

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@derek-m Thank you for that, can't remember seeing that, but I read it again tomorrow and hopefully inwardly digest something. I will be back.....


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@rsk14, welcome to the forums and it’s great that you’re looking to find out more about your system. There is a bit of a learning curve to heat pumps, and it just takes time and patience to work things out. As Derek’s says, it’ll only be a matter of time before you’ve picked up the jargon, and weather compensation and flow rates are part of your CH lexicon. 

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@editor and @derek-m thank you, it just all seems overwhelming and the manual has many different languages, not sure that any of them are English 🤣 !!  I have found something about 'current temperature for water outlet'?  I take it that is the water flow out? Can't for the life of me find anything about weather compensation! Do they all have this? Thanks

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Hi Rsk14,

If you could provide the model number of your ASHP and controller I will see if I can download the manuals and provide some 'illumination'. 🙃 


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@derek-m Thank you the ASHP is a Samsung 12kW / AE120RXYDEG/EU and the controller is MWR-WW10N, you are very kind 


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You have the exact same pump as me. If you want any advice I'll try to help.

Was the pump supplied by Freedom Heat pumps?



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@prjohn Oh thank you, any advice you can give me on settings - understanding this weather compensation? 

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Posted by: @rsk14

@prjohn Oh thank you, any advice you can give me on settings - understanding this weather compensation? 

Hi Rsk14,

It would appear that Samsung, in their wisdom, refer to weather compensation as 'water law', but don't ask me why.

It would also appear that you have made a friend in PRJohn, so I will leave it to him to explain the inner delights of Samsung ASHP's, since it is not productive to duplicate effort. I should still be around if you need any further help or advice.

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@derek-m Thank you

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@rsk14 I'm no expert and just learning the ins and outs of the pump. Samsung although very customisable makes it very difficult.  As pointed out weather compensation is known as water law, which is the Korean translation. I am at present writing my experience over the past year with my pump and its performance. SO any question I'll try and help if I can't answer I'm sure some else will and we will both learn. A word of warning, be wary about going into the HP settings it is very easy to accidentally change settings, you would also need a code to get into these settings. 



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