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Mitsubishi Advanced Auto Adaptation

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Can anyone advise their experience with Advanced Auto Adaptation (AAA)? Is it much better than Weather Compensation?

I was thinking about buying the remote room thermostat for this but I can see problems. I am having an 11.2kW Ecodan installed, replacing our 13 year old Ecodan. I have always used Weather Comp and was happy with the running costs. We only use and heat half the house so the most tricky thing was preventing cycling, which was bad for the ASHP, reduced efficiency at every startup and worst of all slowed down the heating as cooler water circulated every time it cycled off. We have UFH on solid floors throughout and I needed 6-8 loops on to avoid cycling. Would AAA reduce or increase cycling?

We have huge areas of South facing windows and get a lot of solar gain so we have to turn down thermostats, which turn off the manifold pumps. Would we continue to use the existing room thermostats, which could result in pumps and loops being shut off when the AAA might keep the ASHP running? Or would the AAA respond quickly to higher flow temperature and shut down. Could there be a situation where the AAA shuts down the ASHP main pumps and 2-way zone valve, with the manifold pumps still running?

Seems to me that I'm likely to stay with Weather Compensation.

Incidentally, I don't like that the new Heatmiser manifold controls we had to have for low voltage don't shut down the pumps when the ASHP is turned off, like the old system used to.


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