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Mis-Information Arrrrrgh!

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Ouch! Bit harsh !

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Posted by: @heat-pump-newbie

Ouch! Bit harsh !

Harsh, but true!

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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I emailed Y&Y (they invited listeners comments) after they covered heat pumps in a broadcast on 1st March this year. I also thought their coverage was weak, but because how unfailingly brilliant they said heat pumps are. I made some points about the poor knowledge of many installers and the detrimental affect this had on achieved efficiency. I also raised the EPC issue of ASHPs being rated worse than gas boilers.

Needless to say I didn't receive any acknowlegement. Their more recent feature didn't indicate they had learnt anything since the earlier broadcast. Sometimes the BBC takes an editorial line on some issues and just keeps plugging them relentlessly, regardless of any contradictory facts that may be pointed out to them. So much of what they do is excellent but they appear to have a blind spot on much of their sustainability/global warming coverage.



Grant Aerona HPID10 10kWh ASHP


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