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How to avoid the complications and dramas of being an ASHP pump ownwer

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It’s actually very simple:

1) Use the heat pumps own controller, located  in a habitable space

2) Familiarise yourself with the controller. Read the instructions and reach out to heat pump manufacturers for guidance.

For Multizone installations

1)Use the heat pump controller for each zone, that will be one master for the biggest circuit and slaves for smaller zones

2)Use heat pump controllers own wiring centres to control electronic  mixing valves for each smaller zone

3) Do not use on off relay controls, unless you can handle the technical downside.

Always go for the internet connection. It forces a better choice of plant on the installer, and in some cases offers support as manufacturers have access to your system remotely


Always ask the manufacturer for a predefined schematic of the system. They do exist, even being in instruction books. 

Optimum arrangement of pipes and valves applies to all manufacturers.. 


It’s simple really, Heat Pump, manufacturers know their  stuff.. they really do.

KISS (Keep it stupid simple)

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I couldn’t agree more… I see so many installations where the manufacturers controller is stuffed outside in the garage/plant room, or worse, in the loft by the uvc. 

Shocking, but not at all surprising, really.

Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.

My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.

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and forget the nonsense of high temperature heat pumps, energy consumption is optimised by using as low a temperature as possible!

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@alec-morrow, do HT ASHPs use significantly more energy?

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They have to, it can’t be any other way, but the real answer is it depends how you use it!

U.K. heating policy is based on the requirement to heat a space for a limited time, 8 hours a day, I think. Which is a bit stupid as heat loss is continuous when it is less than room target temperature. U.K. policy drives to wards not heating, not efficient use of energy (that moves you to compensation controls and stable temperature profiled systems)

High temperature heat pumps are just time served earlier versions of modern heat pumps, neither an engineering triumph nor a breakthrough in technology.

I think most people would be horrified how policy around the heating industry is developed. Policy is not supportive to optimum heating installation and application, or the latest technical advances (which are actually 25yrs old!)

Graham Hendra can give more details!



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Posted by: @alec-morrow

Graham Hendra can give more details!

We’re interviewing him tomorrow, and will be sure to ask.

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Heating industry managers always defer to the easiest solution, presumably as it makes their life easieR. The facts of the matter are that modulating controls (with its many names, compensation controls, weather compensation, outdoor reset) drive the heat generator, be it  boilers (all types) and  heat pump (all types) to be efficient. Thats because maintaining a stable temperature means less heat is needed as room temperatures rises. (At target temperature with heat input matching heat loss the flow temperature can come right down raising CoP on heat pumps and increasing efficiency on gas boilers, deferring the moment the plant has to raise temperature reducing efficiency)

He will probably quote test results, but remember this you can pay for tests and get the result you want, and that indeed is what manufacturers have done in the UK.

You then have to ask the question... Why does every  modern heat generator require accept an outdoor sensor. Its not there on a whim and a fancy, its there because it has a function which is to optimise the plant. No other reason. 



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