Midea ASHP – High E...
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Midea ASHP – High Energy Consumption

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I recently moved into a new home that has a Midea ASHP installed. Since I moved in my energy bills have been extremely high despite me keeping the house quite cold at around 18 degrees. This has been causing my a lot of distress. I have finally got WiFi connected so I am able to connect the Midea unit to the comfort home app and I can now see some more details. I really hope there is something that has been setup incorrectly as this energy consumption doesn't make sense to me at all. Total Household Consumption: 

November: 991.62kWh

December: 1388.57kWh

January: 951.57kWh

My immersion timer is only set to come on once per week for Legionaires -

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 However in the 'Comfort Home' app for Midea I can see that since I connected it to the Internet on the 10th January my heat pump energy consumption is as follows:

Total: 619kWh

which breaks down to:

TBH: 278kWh

Heating: 299kWh

DHW: 42kWh

so it looks to me that my Immersion is coming on and using nearly as much energy as my Heating? I have Underfloor heating both for the upstairs and downstairs and the temperature for those is set to 38 degrees C. My hot water temperature is set to 48 degrees C.

Screenshot 20230130 190925 Comfort Home
Screenshot 20230130 190929 Comfort Home
Screenshot 20230130 191320 Comfort Home
Screenshot 20230130 191329 Comfort Home

 I'm new to all of this so is my immersion doing the heating of my water from 38 degrees (the temp set for the UFH) to 48 degrees (the temp set for my hot water). If that is the case what should the optimal values be? 



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Hi, my Midea used to show the TBH until I realised it could be using it as the Midea if configured like mine isnt connected to the emersion or a boost heater. The emersion is on a completely separate timer as yours seems to be (we put on once a week). Therefore I went inside the unit and flicked a DIP switch that tells it there is no emersion attached and now I only get heating and DHW in the app. The app isnt very good to be honest (I use it as a rough guide and see outside temps) and I think you will find others on here that dont think its very accurate as it may be some rounding going on. I'm lucky in terms of monitoring my usage as I have a Midea on 2 of our 3 phases and the rest of the house on the other so I just read the readings for those phases.

Hard to gauge if your usage is high as we all have different situations that affect heating demand. We use about 4-6 units at night to heat our 300litre tank (again depends on outside temps).

For example we used about 1400 units for heating in December and the house is a 1990 house of approx 280sqm. Not cheap at current prices but probably not alot worse than gas and it is on all day as I work from home. 

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Your usage figures seem about right, for example in November that is only 31kWh/day. If the ASHP was working at a COP of 3, that would be 93kWh of Heat into the property - a perfectly reasonable number.

Please provide more details of the size of your house in m2, and the type and location of the thermostats. Please also provide us with photos of the underfloor heating manifolds and the plumbing in/around the hot water cylinder.

Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.

My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.

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as a fellow newbie to the heat pump world I can empathise with the fear that can be experienced seeing the kWh climbing up- especially in December.

there are others on here who know far more about the set up and optimisation so I won’t say too much about that.

in case it helps though here are some things gleaned from here which have calmed me (a bit):

1) for heat pumps their main energy use is space heating (as opposed to water) and the winter months are a large proportion of what you can expect them to glug through in kWh terms. January might be nearly 20% of annual usage… cooler months should be MUCH less…

2) heating anything/ by any means is crazily expensive at the moment (less of a consolation I know)… I think heat pumps can really drum that in when you can see the meter climbing rapidly.. hopefully as subsidies move from gas to electric and the energy market is looked at that should get (a bit) better…

3) December especially was very cold (obviously dependent on where you are based)… usage from that month is likely to be out of the ordinary.

having said that getting weather compensation working for us seems to have made a big difference in efficiency as well as changing from a conventional boiler set up (on for a couple of hours am and pm, room thermostat led). Now we have things on lowest possible flow temp pretty much all of the time we seem to be using quite a bit less electric.

the details of all of that are on quite a few different threads here but are worth investigating and delving in…

This post was modified 2 years ago by Thylacine333

Airwell Wellea 12 kw monobloc ASHP (rebranded Midea unit - feeling lonely)
200 sq m detached 1960s bungalow with 2006 extension
mix of rads and ufh

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@hughf Hi Hugh, thanks for the help. My billing only started on 5th November so my daily usage would be slightly higher.

The house is 178 sqm with an EPC B. I have 2 Heatmiser Neo thermostats (Upstairs and Downstairs Zones). Each room has its own manifold but unfortunately, I don't seem to have per room control. I can only take a picture of the upstairs manifolds as the downstairs one has been boxed off.

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20230131 091404
20230131 091418
20230131 091424

One change I made last night is to heat my Hot Water tank between 0300-0500 which should avail of the cheaper rate (4.2 times cheaper) Previous it seems to just have been set to maintain a temperature of 47. I think this should keep plenty of hot water as there is only normally 2-3 of us in the house and I'm hoping the insulated cylinder keeps the water reasonably hot for 24 hours.

I have also fully switched off my immersion heater just to test things out.

I have recently set both my upstairs and downstairs zones to start heating the house to 23C at 04:00 and then cut the heating to 17C at 05:30 (when peak electricity costs kick in) with the hope the house retains some of the heat throughout the day without having to turn the heat pump on (no idea if this is a good plan or not).

Screenshot 20230131 092019 Comfort Home
Screenshot 20230131 092129 Heatmiser Neo
Screenshot 20230131 092140 Heatmiser Neo
This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Tried2Fail

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@tried2fail you need to ditch the heatmiser neostats and get the midea controller moved into the habitable space and get the system running on that, alone. Tune the WC curves so that the UFH isn't overheating the property and your cop will improve drastically.

@heacol, another one for you to fix 😀 

Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.

My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.


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@tried2fail Interested to see that your EPC rates the Main heating as Good. I also have an ASHP with underfloor heating (same wording on the EPC) yet it is rated as Poor. I wonder what factor in the EPC algorithm causes this?



Grant Aerona HPID10 10kWh ASHP


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