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Fun with Samsung Gen 6 Yearly Schedules

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Note: The following procedures will only work if you have the samsung controller configured as the thermostat, it does not apply to third party thermostat control.

I have recently been modifying my controller configuration for my bivalent heat pump / oil boiler system due to clashes between how the oil boiler and heat pump need to be controlled. It became apparent to me that having a single thermostat (Honeywell Home Smart Thermostat) to control both systems was not going to work long term and as I have now found a suitable cabling route (not realised during installation in 2023) in the house, I moved the Samsung controller from my external boiler room into the house.
Once I had completed the electrical work, I reconfigured the Samsung controller to become a room thermostat and enabled it to use its internal abilities to decide its own weather curve (flow temperatures) required to achieve the room target temperature versus outside temperature.

The other advantage of configuring the controller to be a room thermostat was it enabled me to take advantage of the additional Weekly and Yearly schedules alongside the Daily schedules. As there is little in the way of information on this topic (a couple of short YouTube videos) I thought I would share my setup experience in case it is useful for anyone else.

The yearly schedules I was aiming to configure are as follows:


Active: June, July and August

CH state:


Active: September and October

CH state:
05:00hrs to 19:00hrs room temperature +20C
19:00hrs to 05:00hrs room temperature +18C (setback)


Active: November, December, January, February and March

CH state:
03:00hrs to 21:00hrs room temperature +21C
21:00hrs to 03:00hrs room temperature +19C


Active: April and May

CH state:
05:00hrs to 19:00hrs room temperature +20C
19:00hrs to 05:00hrs room temperature +18C (setback)

Creating Groups:

The above season groups need to be created first by

1. Selecting the cog button
2. Select schedules and press "Ok"
3. Select "Add Schedule" press "Ok"
4. Select "Yearly Schedule" press "Ok"
5. Select "Add Group" press "Ok"

At this point you can select one of the following groups (Group 1, Group 2, Rainy, Dry, Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.
6. Select the appropriate group and press "Ok"
7. Switch on the months of the year this group will be active by using the navigation arrows to select the month and toggle the selected month "On" or "Off"
8. Press "Ok" when all months have been set for the group.

Creating Schedules:

At this stage you can now add individual schedules to the season groups. These steps are for configuring the above Winter group as an example but are the same steps for all other groups.

1. Press the cog button on the controller
2. Select schedules and press "Ok"
3. Select "Add Schedule" press "Ok".
4. At this step, highlight the "Winter" season group and press the on screen "Select" button by highlighting it and pressing "Ok" on the controller interface.
5. Set individual days of the week the schedule will run by toggling each day "On" or "Off" using the conroller navigation buttons, then press "Ok" when finished
6. Set the time of day to "03:00" for the schedule to become active and press "Ok"
7. Select "On" and "Zone" (if more than one zone available select the required zone) press "Ok"
8. Set "Heat" and set the room temperature to "21C" (or flow temperature if system is configured to use flow temp) press "Ok"

To add the set back simply repeat the above steps but set the time in step 6 to "19:00" and set the room temperature (or flow temp) in step 8 to "19C"

All the schedules associated with the Spring, Autumn and Winter groups should be in the "On" state so the heat pump will be active throughout the heating season. In the case of the Summer season, we want the heating to be off so step 7 in "Creating Schedules" in this case would be "Off" for the zone selected at the time set in step 6.
The "Off" will then become active and re-trigger every 24 hours to ensure the heating system remains off.

Hope the above is useful and if anyone finds errors in the above procedural steps please let me know


5 Bedroom House in Cambridgeshire, double glazing, 300mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation
Design temperature 21C @ OAT -2C = 10.2Kw heat loss
Bivalent system containing:
12Kw Samsung High Temperature Quiet (Gen 6) heat pump
26Kw Grant Blue Flame Oil Boiler
All controlled with Honeywell Home smart thermostat


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