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Freezing and expensive - our heat pump experience so far

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@prjohn, that's an excellent tip. When our iBoost was installed, the installers had just removed it from another job and we purchased it second hand. When they fitted it, we saw an in kW usage too. As it turned out, it had settings from the previous owners that initiated the immersion 2 or 3 times a day to heat water, irrespective of solar production. When we reset it, that's when it started to not draw power for the immersion.

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The unit in question is a HM161M.U33 Monoblock. The LG Engineer checked out the ASHP and declared that it was functioning correctly, but left it operating with a fixed water flow temperature of 50C. Ann and I have been working through the system identifying and correcting weaknesses and have greatly improved the operation and efficiency.

Although the manuals that we have both downloaded mention weather compensation, we have not yet found one that explains how to set the controller to perform this function. If anyone knows how to set up weather compensation on the above unit then please let us know.

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@derek-m Is this any help


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Not really, the video would not play. 🙄 

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@derek-m Sorry I should have said cut and paste and also remove the space before www. It was the only way I could post the link.

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Thanks for the link to the video, it looks quite promising, though the guy needs to slow down a bit and explain what he is doing.

One of the problems with the LG manuals, is that they appear to use different descriptions, than some of the other manufacturers. It would also appear that some of the descriptions used for the adjustment parameters are rather ambiguous, which makes it difficult to decide which ones to use.

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Posted by: @derek-m


Thanks for the link to the video, it looks quite promising, though the guy needs to slow down a bit and explain what he is doing.

One of the problems with the LG manuals, is that they appear to use different descriptions, than some of the other manufacturers. It would also appear that some of the descriptions used for the adjustment parameters are rather ambiguous, which makes it difficult to decide which ones to use.

Would it be “Seasonal Auto Mode” in the installation menu? Seems to have upper and lower external temperatures and water heat flow temperatures, but also room air temperatures, so perhaps similar to auto adaptation.

Page 27

Page 134, though for the HM051M.U43

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Hi Rusty,

Whilst watching the video that prjohn had located, which was quite useful, I noticed another video, which upon close inspection, I discovered, was one that I had already downloaded last week, which thanks to the pleasure of growing older I had forgotten all about. It is a longer more detailed explanation, which I think may have answered our questions.

At first, when I saw the graphs, I too thought that 'Seasonal Auto Mode' was where the adjustments should be made. Whilst adjusting the controller it was discovered that this functionality was not in the menu list. I have since discovered that it is the settings, at which the system would change operation from heating to cooling, if it were set up to have that capability. Because the system is not set up for both heating and cooling then 'Seasonal Auto Mode' is not made available in the list.

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@derek-m I am in discussion with LG regarding this unit but I do need answers to my various queries. Cannot help without them.

We have the unit rerference number.

We need to know where it was bought from and have they actually attended.

If its not the Unit has anyone corrected the installation faults alluded to?

Was it actually an LG engineer that attended and has a report actually arrived?



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@derek-m I have two manualsthat should help but cannot upload them to this site.

Can you send me an email to and I will send by return.

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Hi @bobbt9866 

Please thank Shaun for all the help and assistance he has not provided.

If he does not know how to set up weather compensation and AI control he should just say so.

Far from impressed with LG and its products.

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@derek-m Nothing to do with the product Derek!

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