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Can anyone assist me in setting the hotwater unit settings on my Ecodan 14

Should I be using "FLOW" or "CURVE"?

What is an ideal Flow temperature?

What should the Temperature Increment be set at?


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Not sure what you mean.  DHW just uses a target temp, independent of how you set the heating.  You can then choose Eco of Normal, which affects how quickly it heats up. 

For the increment, I assume this is the temp drop before it starts re-heating the tank?  I was advised by the Mitsi engineer to leave it on 10 C  if you have water heating on constantly because otherwise, because of where the tank temp sensor is, the DHW would kick in every time you wash your hands. Drop it to 5 if you heat your water once or twice a day only via the timer (what I do)


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@kev-m thanks greatly for the reply 


I was referring to the Unit Settings on the remote controller.

I’ve played around with it so much that I cannot remember the default settings


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Posted by: @mikefitz

Can anyone assist me in setting the hotwater unit settings on my Ecodan 14

Should I be using "FLOW" or "CURVE"?

What is an ideal Flow temperature?

What should the Temperature Increment be set at?


Hi Mike,

I think that you will find that flow and curve relate to the central heating control, not DHW.

If you have a copy of the 72 page manual for the FTC5 controller then go to section 7 (page 40) and follow the instructions. Raise any questions that you are not certain about.

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Looking at the Unit Settings again I think you are correct.  It has "Set tank temperature " at the top and I just assumed that the lower section was linked to the hot water but I can see that I was wrong.  Its referring to the heating flow.  Many thanks


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