Daikin Error Code 7...
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Daikin Error Code 7H05

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We had a Daikin 8kW ASHP installed two weeks ago.  We had a succession of 7H01 and 7H05 errors which shut down the system.  Octopus, the installer, suggested the issue was the bypass valve.  The valve was found to be leaking and was changed.  The system ran for 36 hours before stopping with the 7H05 code.  After reset it ran until the next day when we had errors at about 0400 and again about 1430.  It has now been running for 36 hours since last reset.

The fitters are returning in 4 days as result of my error reports.  This will be their fourth visit since install.

The new bypass valve had worked but it is possible it is still causing an issue.  Is there anything else that might be the cause?



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