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ASHP for small garage and workshop

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Posted by: @bobtskutter

You have a plate heat exchanger for system separation don't you? 

Yes, I do. I also have glycol in the primary circuit, and use a specific heat capacity of 4.05 for that (I noticed you use 4.2 ie pure water). The secondary circuit has quite a large volume, I haven't formally worked it out, but there is one huge K3 in the kitchen (15L?) plus several medium sized K3s and a few smaller ones, Perhaps (guessing here a bit) 100L in all just in the rads.

Posted by: @bobtskutter

With a plateHex i get 7.7kg ice, no hex 4kg.

Either way, that is a lot of ice. Credibility/sanity check?


Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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Posted by: @transparent

It's mainly sold in Australia & NZ where they want cooling as well as heating.

Mitsubishi heat pumps works great in low temperatures. Requires minimal maintenance. Here in Victoria, they are offered under government rebate program.  

Heat pump installer at

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