Aira Heat Pump: Sty...
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Aira Heat Pump: Stylish Scandinavian Heating

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@toodles I think in the UK you pay for it all in the first year, but spread over 12 months. So the risk is more that you have prepaid for 15 years of maintenance, but if they go bust then you never receive it.

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@ivanopinion I got a very definitive reply from Aira this morning: "The Aira Heat pump is not based on or produced by Vaillant."

Black and white. So it's their own unit.

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@editor Or bronze, copper or summat! 😉

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!


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@editor That's a shame, as it introduces more risk that the product might not be any good.

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Posted by: @editor

@ivanopinion I got a very definitive reply from Aira this morning: "The Aira Heat pump is not based on or produced by Vaillant."

Black and white. So it's their own unit.

Which seems at odds with this article:

By switching to one of its heat pumps, which are currently built by German manufacturer Vaillant, Aira claims that households can save 25% on heating-related costs. The firm said production of its own-brand heat pumps would begin in Poland in 2024.



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@abernyte They used to use Vaillant until the factory started, which it apparently now has, as they no longer use Vaillant. I don't see the contradiction.

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The company are extremely tight lipped about what is inside the case. Their PR is to manufacture an "Aira branded product", so where have a company that owns an energy storage company, a battery cell manufacturer and a steel producer acquired the experience in HP design and manufacture ( since 2015) or is it going to be a Grant/Chofu type OEM clone?  Enquiring minds would like to know, that's all.


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Posted by: @abernyte
Enquiring minds would like to know, that's all.

Completely agree on that. I'll be quizzing the surveyor, though I imagine they won't know.


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Posted by: @ivanopinion

I'll be quizzing the surveyor, though I imagine they won't know.

He said they have based the kit on existing technology, but the controls and app are new.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Mars


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Posted by: @ivanopinion

He said they have based the kit on existing technology, but the controls and app are new.

It'll be a fairly standard R290 ASHP internally I think, covers, panels and grilles might be customised. They all come with serial Modbus comms now, from which 3rd parties can create user or installer control apps for remote control and monitoring, etc. That was what Aira were showcasing in their release video - it was all about the App & not the product. Such is the world these days, but the App is only as good as what it is controlling, the heat pump, which itself is only as good as the installation is. There's a lot of variables at play - and for Aira to offer a 15 year guarantee means they either have an unprecedented control of the variables, or their guarantee is riddled with get-out clauses, especially the performance and efficiency guarantees. The 54year old cynic in me favours the latter.
I would be very surprised if Aira design & launch a completely new ASHP product from the ground up.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Mars

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Posted by: @allyfish
or their guarantee is riddled with get-out clauses, especially the performance and efficiency guarantees. 

Good point. I'll ask to see a full copy of the wording. And get clarification whether they are guaranteeing efficiency.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Mars

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I found the details of the warranty. I don't see any unreasonable get out clauses. And it is insurance backed. The only issue I can see is that it looks like they don't guarantee the SCOP.

"The Warranty includes: 

the proper working of the air source heat pump; and  

the air source heat pump’s ability to maintain minimum indoor temperature as follows: 


Temp. (˚C) 

Living room 


Dining room 


Bedsitting room 




Hall and landing 









The air source heat pump’s ability to maintain the above indoor temperature is conditional on the outside temperature not falling below the lowest expected temperature for the location where the air source heat pump is installed. You can find a list of the lowest expected temperatures in the Appendix to these Terms...

...If the air source heat pump fails to work properly within the Warranty Period, you shall contact us to inspect and arrange any necessary repairs. We may also contact you to inspect the air source heat pump system during the Warranty Period if we have reason to believe that there is an issue with it. We shall attempt to fix any identified issue at least three times. We may carry out any repairs or replacements that we deem necessary in order to fix the air source heat pump, which may include replacing the whole or part of the air source heat pump, adding or increasing the size of radiators, or changing pipework. You agree to allow us to carry out any and all inspections, repairs or replacements deemed necessary by us in order to get the air source heat pump working and complying with the Warranty. If you prevent us from doing this, it will invalidate the Warranty. 

We reserve the right to use qualified technical personnel of our own or companies operating in the same industry.  

If you do not report any defect to us as soon as reasonably possible and within two months from the date it was discovered, you shall not be able to ask us to fix the air source heat pump under the Warranty.  

You must not allow any third parties to carry out any repairs or other work involving tampering with the air source heat pump, and if you do, this shall invalidate the Warranty.  

If we are unable to fix the air source heat pump and get it working under the Warranty, we will refund the purchase price to you. 

If you sell your home which has the air source heat pump in it, the Warranty can be transferred to a new owner if you notify the change of ownership to us by e-mail to or by sending us a letter in the post. The new owner is then bound by the provisions of these Terms."


This post was modified 4 months ago by IvanOpinion

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