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14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

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@justinsb have been taking readings for a while now for exactly same reasons you say. As others have said it's pretty crazy to have to give a heating system this amount of attention - but needs must given the costs. TakeĀ  your point re starting warm and easing off. So far might have got away with it house feeling roughly the same as before so fingers crossed.

As with a lot of us on here - we were immediately hammered when our provider went bust and the week we started using the ASHP we started paying 50% more for our electric. I think if memory serves correct you have converted from LPG? Anyway - we were paying 42p per litre and current price is apparently 69p per litre so we'd have been getting hammered there as well - our whole thing here is to try and get something more climate friendly and not more expensive than LPG - which I think for us still hopefully stacks up though time will tell....

Have not run a full day yet on new system but yesterday's readings below for @derek-m and anyone else interested. Changes made about 10am yesterday. First time COP has risen above 3 for any length of time.



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Hi RV3,

Your data shows just how well an ASHP responds to a little TLC. 🙃Ā 

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@rv3 once you have your settings dialled in, you probably wont touch anything again. Or you might find you have a winter/spring setting and a summer/autumn setting where you play with the curves a little. I've not adjusted mine for several weeks as the house is perfectly fine now.

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
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Posted by: @rv3

@justinsb have been taking readings for a while now for exactly same reasons you say. As others have said it's pretty crazy to have to give a heating system this amount of attention - but needs must given the costs. TakeĀ  your point re starting warm and easing off. So far might have got away with it house feeling roughly the same as before so fingers crossed.

As with a lot of us on here - we were immediately hammered when our provider went bust and the week we started using the ASHP we started paying 50% more for our electric. I think if memory serves correct you have converted from LPG? Anyway - we were paying 42p per litre and current price is apparently 69p per litre so we'd have been getting hammered there as well - our whole thing here is to try and get something more climate friendly and not more expensive than LPG - which I think for us still hopefully stacks up though time will tell....

Have not run a full day yet on new system but yesterday's readings below for @derek-m and anyone else interested. Changes made about 10am yesterday. First time COP has risen above 3 for any length of time.



Very good.Ā  That looks similar to mine.Ā  The only point I'd make is that although your COP has risen impressively, the other side is that you have the ASHP running 24/7.Ā  Running the ASHP 24/7 probably doesn't save me any money in itself compared with having the heating come on and off.Ā  But reducing the flow temperature like you have will, and it's nice having a warm house all the time.Ā  I've compromised by switching the heating off 12-5am.Ā  It's cooler when we're asleep and the house is warm ny the time we get up.Ā  If you think about it, using only 2kW to heat your whole house in winter is quite impressive.Ā Ā 

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Posted by: @kev-m

using only 2kW to heat your whole house in winter is quite impressive

Per hour

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Posted by: @batalto
Posted by: @kev-m

using only 2kW to heat your whole house in winter is quite impressive

Per hour

Sorry to be pedentic but it's not. The graph y axis is kWh (energy) and the bars are hourly so I converted 2kWh energy in one hour to a power of 2kW.Ā  It's 2kW whether it heats the house for a second, an hour or a day;Ā  Power is already a per unit time measure.Ā  1 Watt = 1 joule/second.Ā Ā 



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I'm having an interesting problem at the moment, & Mitsubishi are actually properly investigating it for me - which is very reassuring. My Ecodan is cycling Freeze Stat when it should be Heating. When it does this, the house temperature crashes, then it has to spend the next 8 hours trying to warm everything up again. The Mitsubishi tech team have escalated this up to their senior people, so I will keep you all posted, but I just wondered if anyone has seem similar things with their own Ecodan systems?



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Posted by: @justinsb

I'm having an interesting problem at the moment, & Mitsubishi are actually properly investigating it for me - which is very reassuring. My Ecodan is cycling Freeze Stat when it should be Heating. When it does this, the house temperature crashes, then it has to spend the next 8 hours trying to warm everything up again. The Mitsubishi tech team have escalated this up to their senior people, so I will keep you all posted, but I just wondered if anyone has seem similar things with their own Ecodan systems?



Hi Justin,

Looking at page 45 of the attached manual, it would appear that the 'freeze stat' function is designed to protect the system from the water freezing, by running the heat pump with a fixed water flow temperature of 20C.

Obviously this function should not be required when the heat pump is operating normally. From what I can gather from the manual, the freeze stat is initiated when the outdoor air temperature falls to the set value, so it would appear that on your system this value is set too high.

Alternatively, if your system contains sufficient anti-freeze, then the freeze stat function can be disabled.


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Oddly enough @derek-m, just as I was reading your post the Mitsubishi technician called me back. They had gone through my settings very carefully, decided that something was definitely wrong & have just sent me a firmware upgrade which I am about to install... I'm really impressed with the turnaround on that software, as I called them just after 9am this morning, & they have sent me an upgrade to my FTC6 software at lunchtime. Perhaps this wasn't a "new" issue...

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@editor this appears to be quite a major issue, which may impact upon lots of people running Ecodans.

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Posted by: @justinsb

Oddly enough @derek-m, just as I was reading your post the Mitsubishi technician called me back. They had gone through my settings very carefully, decided that something was definitely wrong & have just sent me a firmware upgrade which I am about to install... I'm really impressed with the turnaround on that software, as I called them just after 9am this morning, & they have sent me an upgrade to my FTC6 software at lunchtime. Perhaps this wasn't a "new" issue...

Hi Justin,

That is reassuring for Ecodan owners to hear. Did they state what was wrong with the software? Did you look in the service menu to see what the value of the freeze stat setting is at present?Ā 

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Screenshot 2022 01 25 13.31.11

Hmmm.Ā  But nearly all of my Freeze Stat is through the night when the ASHP is off for 5 hours.Ā  It uses very little energy but does circulate the water when the ambient is below 5C.Ā  The ASHP kicks in properly when the flow gets below 20C and heats it up to 25C then stops.Ā 

I thought this wasn't needed when the ASHP was running.Ā  Defrost is a different thing altogether although Melcloud reports a little bit of Freeze Stat in its stats during defrosts. I've never noticed the heating being off for long.

Please let us know how you get on.Ā 


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