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Promoting a sustainable energy future - Infographic from Ofgem

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I received this infographic created by Ofgem that is promoting a sustainable energy future. Quite interesting.


Infographic  Promoting a sustainable energy future

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Very interesting and rather joined up with the climate change committee and government which is pretty good. Coupled with actual companies like octopus things could pick up pace and improve in this industry. Thanks for sharing.

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Gives some idea about how electricity generation varies over time and just how low wind and solar can get currently.

Given the ongoing differing opinions about biomass the link has not included biomass with renewables. The UK is the largest importer of biomass pellets in the world.

The pie charts in the link don't include the interconnect electricity. Rarely do we export electricity. 

I like the ofgem graphic but it does mix the historical much larger fuel poverty initiatives with carbon reduction initiatives. For example under the ECO gas boilers continue to be installed and upgraded at a higher rate than  ashp are installed under RHI. 

Getting the balance and transition right is what the government are very nervous about. We can't have fuel poverty increase during the transition. 



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