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Climate change

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Illustrious Member Admin
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I would like to start a thread on climate change, and get your consensus and views on whether climate change exists, and if it does, what causes it.

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Illustrious Member Member
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Hi Mars,

Climate change is a natural part of the Earth's evolution, if you watch the documentary series The Planets you will better understand how climate change occurs and that it is in fact inevitable.

The climate changes that are in the news at present are those that have been, and are still being, caused by human actions, which hopefully can be contained or even reversed.

From what I understand there are no simple solutions. Most sensible people will probably agree that the number of humans on the planet is becoming too great and that they cannot continue to use up the limited resources at the present rate of consumption. How to convince almost 8 billion humans to change their ways is going to be one of the major tasks, and will hopefully occur before too many climatic disasters are require to reduce the world's population through famine and floods or even warfare.

Noble Member Member
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I am assuming climate change does exist and has done since the formation of earth.

I am also assuming the majority of climate change more recently is driven by the actions of humans more recently.

Am much less certain about the best course of action in the short, medium and much longer term....

Illustrious Member Admin
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I read last night that since 1970 we have released one trillion tonnes into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels. That’s a staggering number.

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Noble Member Member
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@editor   Shocking when put into figures.

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Illustrious Member Admin
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@Morgan, yeah, it's pretty frightening. And that's just fossil fuels. What about all the CO2 from forest fires and other sources. Crazy.

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