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Advice on contacts for a large commercial green energy project?

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Hi all,

I am wondering if any of you very knowledgeable lads/lasses would be able to help with some advice or contacts for consultants or the likes who specialise in the commercial implementation of green energy/heating solutions?

To give some context, I have been asked as part of my role to look into options for decarbonising the electricity and heating for our site in Scotland (and the rest of our UK sites should the pilot in Scotland go well).

Obviously this site has been very useful for my domestic journey, but I wonder if any of the forum members would be able to recommend and companies etc. that specialise specifically in the commercial sector, and in this case who have a presence in Scotland?

We are looking at all avenues, be that ASHPs/GSHPs/Solar/wind etc. and the site is vast with plentiful land to accommodate renewables, with some caveats, i.e. one of the buildings is a listed mansion house, hence the need to speak to some 'experts' in the area to see what the e options really are.

Anyway, any advice or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks in advance


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I am working with an international investment company that invests primarily in renewable energy. This goes from wind and PV parks to a designated energy efficiency unit that offers a variety of solutions for businesses. This goes from replacing traditional lighting for LED (in warehouses for instance) to financing insulation projects or replacing the gas boiler for heat pumps in hotels. This unit is very active in the UK. Would that be of interest? 

I am fairly new to the forum so I am yet permitted to DM you. Maybe you can DM me if it may be of interest.

This post was modified 2 years ago by MPHB

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Hi @DChilton,

Thank you for your DM. Unfortunately, due to my juniority on this forum, I cannot reply yet (I need 10 approved posts, this is my third I guess). Do you mind sending me your mail or reference your company by DM so that I can find you on Linkedin?

Cheers, MPHB


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@dchiltern - I wonder if you have thought to ask for contacts at any of the well-respected academic establishments who are educating students to work in relevant green-energy fields.

The Welsh Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) springs to mind...
as does the Open University, Dept of Energy Research.

Their past-students will be working for consultancies, manufacturers and suppliers for many of the products you now seek.

Moreover, they may wish to 'recruit' your site into a post-graduate research project for low-carbon electricity and heating.
That yields benefits in both directions.
They get a partnership which allows their Masters/PhD students to handle a real-world site, and you get access to top-end professors who really do understand how to make such a project work well.

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