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Standing charges

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Anyone can submit their views on standing charges to ofgem

People can submit their views via email to by 19 January.

Famed Member Contributor
11253 kWhs
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I have submitted my own 2 pennorth via email as follows:There are people on very low incomes using little or no energy yet standing charges remain stubbornly compulsory regardless. Clearly this is iniquitous and I feel any charges should form part of the unit rate - thus those using more energy pay more overall. I also find it strange that standing charges are not ‘standard’ charges and vary greatly; if these charges are not absorbed into the unit cost, then they should at least be equal - with allowances made for low income consumers please.

I supplied my details of renewable energy equipment and my whereabouts though I know not whether they require the latter or not. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

Famed Member Contributor
11253 kWhs
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Posts: 1818

…and I received the following acknowledgement from them:

Thank you for taking the time to submit information in response to our Call for Input on Standing Charges. Your participation is crucial in helping us gather a diverse range of perspectives to inform any future policy decisions related to standing charges.


As we move forward with the consultation, we will consider the various viewpoints and suggestions received, working towards creating a more inclusive and responsive regulatory framework.


Your feedback is important, and we are grateful for being an active stakeholder in the ongoing dialogue about standing charges in the UK energy market.

Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.



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