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Oh Dear NESTA!

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Maybe it is just me but I can’t help feeling that NESTA are missing the point here.

Andy Regan from NESTA admitted that he is not technical but in setting out this scheme and attempting to explain it to Adam Chapman in a Heat Geek presentation, I think he fails to grasp just what a heat pump does! They propose (and have been trialling) to help control peak demand by using Tado on/off controls on Octopus customer’s heat pumps. Sorry, but further words fail me other than to say it takes a devil of a time to get to the point (Heat Geek are usually much better than this in my opinion!) so I did a great deal of fast forwarding - but we get to the hairbrain bit about halfway through. Arrrgh,😵‍💫, Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I gave up following and trying to figure out what NESTA is trying to do in the heat pump world a while ago! 

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Andy's assertion that anyone with batteries can power their home in a storm [implying they can draw from the batteries when the grid is out] betrays his lack of technical savviness. It can be done, but it needs load sensing changeover switchgear, load shedding and power management, etc., and doesn't come cheap.

Anything that remotely controls my load consumption or heating preferences crosses a line for me. I'm out. More than happy to load shift with BESS, micro-generate with Solar PV and do my bit to level the grid, but I want full control of what and when within my home. Maybe I'm just old fashioned? 😉

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@allyfish You me both @allyfish 😉 Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.



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