Various different a...
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Various different approaches to battery storage.

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As @transparent has mentioned, this is a topic in need of discussion!

I understand it is not within the remit of DNO’s to fulfil the responsibility of energy storage that might carry us through times of peak demand. Unless the people running Energy UK are going to put their hands in our ‘heavily-taxed-already’ pockets, who could or should be provisioning  the demand?

Individuals are I think, the only sector at the moment who have (possibly, like me), invested in any energy storage. I won’t pretend that my aims are purely altruistic, I want security against power cuts, I wish to buy my energy at the cheapest and greenest rates of my chosen tariff; I like the idea of being able to choose what I do with the solar energy my panels produce for me.

Having a heat pump and being an all-electric household, we have a large demand for energy during the colder months of the year - and a surplus of those electrons during the milder and sunny weather. Furthermore, being on a single phase supply, I have no idea what problems in the way of phase imbalance my demand might be causing for my DNO.

There are a lot of worms in the can above, furthermore, though the costs involved in providing storage locally or nationally may have dropped a little with improvements in battery technology, the overall expense is still considerable - however it is carried out.

So how should we be planning for energy storage in the future?

Individual homes, each equipped with a battery and if so, what sort of capacity relative to the user’s consumption - what about how and when the battery should be charged?

Local community energy storage facilities - and how would these be financed and run?

Area energy storage - perhaps units that power 500 - 1000 homes? If so, how should this be financed and who would have the responsibility of managing such a scheme.

Nationally maybe? A scheme whereby every area was tied into a local distribution network with ‘mega-storage’ facilities serving areas requiring so many MegaWatts deciding the area served by any one mega store? Sounds like the sort of scheme that a DNO might deliver!

A few other continents have energy storage  schemes in areas with flakey supply reliability - might we learn anything from those I wonder?

Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Thanks @toodles  

Writing the text isn't the issue,
it's creating the graphics which takes time...

... especially for an introductory topic!

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It'll be replaced with the intro and graphics when I have a moment!

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