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Fogstar now stocking Seplos Mason boxes

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(No affiliation to Fogstar, just purchase 16 cells last year and had good service).

I noticed Fogstar now stock the Seplos Mason 280Ah DIY box, and at £499 including VAT it's not too far off importing direct from China with DDP. (It's probably cheaper if like me you are VAT registered and buying for a company).

Also interesting, they will be importing an upright version on wheels which might suit more people.  Not sure of the quality, but it doesn't seem massively different to the horizontal version:


Little bit annoying as I've just bought 6 boxes from Seplos China, probably would have just got them from Fogstar.  I've bought the 12kW Three Phase Sunsynk beast which I'll install over the next few month, haven't bought the cells yet though and need to figure a plan to top balance 96 of them!


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Had my eye on the upright version with wheels. Pity it doesn't have two of each terminal for a neat expansion if you decide to get another. Good price though and saves faffing around.

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(Not affiliated with Fogstar, just used them recently to buy Mason cases)

I've just seen that Fogstar are now doing deals on grade (A/B) x (280/304/305)Ah cells which makes them very competitive with using Alibaba. £2,056.87 for a Mason kit and Grade B LF280K cells looks good value for money, with £2,532.86 for Grade A LF304K cells not too much extra for that extra piece of mind.



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They are stonking prices really, no need to go to China.  I've been buying the Grade B, will be interesting to see how they hold up over the years.

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@vaugi Really good prices, especially if you can claim the VAT back. They are down to Grade B cells only at the moment, but I'm guessing another container load will be sent over.

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For comparison I checked prices on I have been quoted about 4430 USD (3450 GBP) for two Mason 280K boxes and 32 Eve 280K cells. Alternatively, 3 of these Mason boxes and 48 Eve 304Ah cells were just under 7600 USD (5910 GBP). Both quotes are DDP.

I guess it comes down to how much you value a UK partner.

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Those are good prices, I'm surprised at those given the weight from China.   It's an easy call if, as you mentioned above, you are VAT registered in the UK, might as well go with Fogstar.  Individually though, tough call, I'd probably still say best from UK as you've got quicker delivery, and great protection.

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Something to watch out for is ; it is planned to add battery-only installations and battery additions to the list of zero-rated VAT Energy Saving Measures on 1 February 2024. I presume that batteries will still be retailed with 20% VAT, much like existing solar panel and inverters, but given a friendly installer or your own company you can claim the VAT back when a battery is added or a non-solar inverter system is installed.




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