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Octopus Intelligent Go Test Charge

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Hi guys,

I want to switch from Agile to Octopus Intelligent Go. With my setup (GSHP, 6MWh pa; EV, 3MWh pa, solar export 6MWh pa) I've worked out it'll be cheaper to pair Intelligent Octopus Go with Outgoing Fixed.

I've got a Renault Zoe and a Podpoint charger. This is not compatible with Intelligent Go... but I can buy an Ohme charger second hand which is compatible and I've got a leccy pal who will fit it for mates rates.

Sums available for the curious, but I've worked out its worth it for me.

There's only one problem: does anyone here have experience of Intelligent Go and the 'test charge' process? Does it mostly work or not?

Reason for asking is that my brother has a VW ID3 which is compatible... but he failed his test charge, never got it to work, and gave up. Online, there are also plenty stories of failed test charges.

I'm just trying to gauge how prevalent failed test charges are before putting down a few hundred and going through the hassle.

Thanks all!


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I have an ohme commando plug charger, and I remember the test charge was a hassle with IO go.  The smets 1 smart meter we have was stated as an issue by octopus, so that the octopus app couldn’t directly add the Ohme charger and I had to use the Ohme app itself.  I probably added and deleted the Ohme account 3 times, and it weirdly worked the last time - don’t think I did anything different, so I’m never touching it again!  
Not had any trouble with it since, except one time the internet went down and it immediately charged the car peak rate - I put a timer on the tesla to stop that since, really don’t care about the odd hour here on there of cheap rate, just want reliable charging overnight.

Have to say I’m not a fan of internet controlled stuff like the Ohme, but it seems the best way to get good export rates from octopus.  If I hadn’t managed it I might have jumped ship to ecotricity or eon, both offer similar 15p export rates but without the internet connected requirement.

Have you looked at cosy?  Without a big home batt, your gshp might be expensive to run; cosy offers 3 cheap periods throughout the day and the 15p export, might be enough for your heatpump most of the time? 

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I couldnt get the test charge to work with my BMW i3 either but it did work through the Zappi charger if that helps. No experience with Ohme

House-2 bed partial stone bungalow, 5kW Samsung Gen 6 ASHP (Self install)
6.9 kWp of PV
5kWh DC coupled battery
Heatpump Stats:


Eminent Member Member
179 kWhs
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Posts: 11

I have 71 plate Zoe and a MyEnergi charger on Intelligent Octopus and everything works fine. 



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