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Meter Readings - What are theses meters telling me?

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Hi, can anybody confirm what these two meter readings tell me.

This topic was modified 10 months ago by Mars

Illustrious Member Moderator
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We can have a good guess @potatoman  but it depends on where your installer has connected them into the system.

These are both power meters with the output in kWh.
They measure voltage & current at 50Hz AC which is converted to (kilo)watts, and are MID certified, which guarantees their accuracy for billing purposes (if required).

Every solar installation which has the capability to export to the grid must have an export meter fitted.
The left meter might therefore be showing the total exported to the grid since it was installed.
Ie this is "Power generated from solar panels" minus "power consumed within the house".

The right meter would appear to be recording the total power drawn by a heat-pump since it was fitted.

The KWH1M45 meter is specified for 5A - 45A current range.

Its output readings cannot be reset, and the figure is retained indefinitely when disconnected.

There is a pulse-output available on a pair of terminals.
That allows connection to other data-recording devices if required. That feature may not have been implemented.


When a heat-pump is installed, it is a requirement that the householder is provided with written diagrams and explanation of all the devices used in that system. You must also have been given instruction on how to operate the system and adjust/maintain it so as to use as little electricity as is reasonably possible [Building Regulations, Part-L].

It sounds to me like you don't have that information.

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@transparent Hi thanks for your reply, you are correct in your assumtion, I have aboslutely no information of how to operate /maintain the installation.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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We can provide more help if you want...
but you'll need to give us something to go on!

At this stage we don't yet know if you are the home-owner, nor whether it was you who had the system installed.
You might have just bought a house with the PV panels and heat-pump already present.

Equally, you could be renting the house, and it is the responsibility of a landlord to resolve such matters.

Please assume we're 'simple folk' and need everything explained to us.

In return we'll endeavour to provide solutions with as low a level of technical blurb as possible! 😀 

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@transparent Hi, I am the landlord of the property, we have had  a 9 kw LG ASHP fitted under the ECO4 grant scheme.

I think its common that there is no instructions /hand over on these sort schemes


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