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Hi all

Who has bought one or more of the Voltex plugs and can give an opinion of it. Apparently it turns dirty electrical current clean and saves us upto 50% of our normal consumption. Obviously at £59 ea or £99 for 2 they're must have. 

If it was already reviewed on here I regret I missed it nevertheless I would still be pleased to hear.



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Posted by: @lehigh51

Hi all

Who has bought one or more of the Voltex plugs and can give an opinion of it. Apparently it turns dirty electrical current clean and saves us upto 50% of our normal consumption. Obviously at £59 ea or £99 for 2 they're must have. 

If it was already reviewed on here I regret I missed it nevertheless I would still be pleased to hear.

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Posted by: @lehigh51

Hi all

Who has bought one or more of the Voltex plugs and can give an opinion of it. Apparently it turns dirty electrical current clean and saves us upto 50% of our normal consumption. Obviously at £59 ea or £99 for 2 they're must have. 

If it was already reviewed on here I regret I missed it nevertheless I would still be pleased to hear.



Hi Martin,

I think these are from the same supplier as the perpetual motion machine. Note the wording 'up to 50%', so if it saves you 0.1% then the statement is correct.

Without going too deeply into electrical theory, capacitor banks are often used in industry for power factor correction, when the load is predominantly inductive, but even then the saving would be no more than probably 5%.

If you wish to reduce your overall electricity consumption by closer to 50%, then cover your roof with solar panels and install a large bank of batteries, though I suspect it may cost a little more than £59.

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Posted by: @lehigh51

... it turns dirty electrical current clean and saves us up to 50% of our normal consumption...

I would love to know what dirty electrons are. I suspect this is the same kind of bumpf as when a guy from Sky tried to tell me the batteries in the remote were using the wrong type of electricity....


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I'll leave this here

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Posted by: @batalto
Posted by: @lehigh51

... it turns dirty electrical current clean and saves us up to 50% of our normal consumption...

I would love to know what dirty electrons are. I suspect this is the same kind of bumpf as when a guy from Sky tried to tell me the batteries in the remote were using the wrong type of electricity....


Dirty electricity is because of changes made by the EU. Once upon a time in the UK, the 3 phase were denoted as Red, Yellow and Blue, hence the saying Red to Red, Yellow to Yellow, Blew to bits. The EU in their wisdom decided that they should now be Brown, Black and Grey, what you may describe as 'dirty' colours.

Joking apart, I am still surprised that the UK government has not supplied every household with at least one of these obviously amazing devices. The government cannot be serious about saving the planet.

Mars, perhaps you should contact Voltex and ask them to send you one for review!!!!


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@derek-m, will get onto them next week 😄

Wow, Google is littered with scam warnings. Doubt they’ll send us anything 😂

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Yep, definitely a scam, as was said earlier in an industrial setting the industry is actually charged for any electricity use that is out of phase with the supply. i.e. if a large building has lots of Switch mode power supplies or Motors say refrigeration or the like, then if they don't perform power factor correction their supplier will charge them for it! Power factor correction uses large Capacitors, which can be switched across the mains supply to correct Inductive loads. They have to be switched because the inductive load may change over time, so various capacitance can be applied. Likewise Inductors could be used to correct a Capacitive load - this is rarely used.

These types of devices in some cases just have a LED across the power supply and don't do anything at all. In sometimes they actually have a capacitor in them! However in the UK Residential meters DO NOT measure Power Factor and NO additional charge is made if it's not measured as 1 (ideal). So a complete waste of money!



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