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Adding data centre electricity costs to domestic energy bills?

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@lucia  - are you noting all this?

I am indeed (and thank you for tagging me) but restraining myself until later as I have soooo much on plate. 😁

Some quick points.

  • Beware the hype - think of the 90s and the dotcom bubble (that went bang) - there's a huge amount of spin around all this.
  • Data centres consume vast amounts of energy, water and need high speed fibre optic access.
  • The idea that they will 'boost economies' is part of the hype - many come with huge subsidies, tax breaks and companies who keep their 'holding companies' in tax-havens.
  • The employment claims are in the realms of fantasy. The coding is mostly outsourced to Asia and Africa. 
  • The big silicon valley tech companies are born and bred out of (and still very much part of) the US defence industry - security is a major issue here apart from anything else. Data centres are potential targets. 
  • Data.... who owns it? Who controls it? Who sells it to whom? Be very careful about how easily this is surrendered in the name of 'efficiency' or whatever. I just sat through Palantir's latest board offering - disturbing to say the least.

That report in the Guardian this morning is part of the lobbying for 'locational pricing' that's being fought and spun like heck. Be wary, despite what is said in the various lobbying efforts, the consumer is not a consideration. 

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