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61 kWhs
Joined: Aug 10, 2023
Last seen: Aug 18, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 8
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@transparent very interesting thank you! I'm not sure ours is a smart meter but I'll double check...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@kev-m No hot tubs, swimming pools, illegal green plant farms or other anything else i can think of...Perhaps the mel cloud data somehow 'calculates' ...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@derek-m I'm looking for the heat loss calculations, I'll let you know when I've got them.We cannot view our daily / monthly / yearly usage with bitis...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@JamesPa We're using roughly 14,000kwh per year. If the Mitsubishi app is correct in its 'consumed' energy figure of 7,892kwh then we are using an add...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@derek-m Not very. I've read a fair amount and understand roughly how things work (i think!).I suppose what I'm trying to do is verify which parts of ...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@jamespa Unfortunately it only has a pie chart for consumed. I can find the meter usage for the entire period but I can't break it down my month. Th...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@jamespa Thank you for taking the time to respond, much appreciated. The argument for not using blending valves seems logical to me! As for the zone v...

2 years ago
RE: Help required with Mitsubishi engineer report...

@derek-m Thank you for taking the time to help! I've attached a floor plan that shows the footprint of the house and location of the stats / manifolds...

2 years ago

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