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86 kWhs
Joined: Dec 12, 2022
Last seen: Feb 19, 2023
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RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@derek-m We have two log burners in the house and had the second one installed to use to supplement the heating. With the heating been on all the...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@allyfish please forgive me for simple questions. if I have the thermostat set high so it is calling for heat all the time but have the trvs al...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@allyfish that’s where I am worried that the Honeywell I have has the cycle rate set to 3 per hour and that’s the minimum. It doesn’t appear you ca...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@allyfish is it best to have more or less cycles then?

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@aceshigh should I get the evo home disconnected altogether then and just use the grant white box? the Honeywell controller has cycle rates which...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@aceshigh Thanks. shall I get normal trvs for the radiators? And I’ll keep the evo home setup… just make one zone downstairs?

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

Hi, thanks. We have a Grant 17KW with Honeywell Evo Home.We had it installed in May 2022. UFH downstairs and radiators upstairs. Ultimately our UF...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@allyfish This is the type of KW usage that I need to be achieving! Are you able to help me and explain how your thermostat/heating works. We have...

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

@allyfish we also have a grant ashp based on what you have said… always on, always calling for heat i am considering putting me flow temperatur...

2 years ago

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