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Joined: May 5, 2021
Last seen: Jun 30, 2021
Topics: 4 / Replies: 34
RE: Was your heat pump installed by an MCS accredited installer?

The design would be done as part of the quotation and assessment? Therefore are you paying for others quotes which they don’t proceed with.

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1641
RE: Air to air ASHP (HVAC)

@derek-m Thanks for that explanation, nice to get some innovative conversation. I agree ref family members home and will back away from those thoughts...

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1656
RE: Heating house all day

@derek-m Yep oil will remain and I am heavily researching HVO too, my oil boiler could take it with a minor adjustment to filtration. I am rather fo...

4 years ago
RE: Promoting a sustainable energy future - Infographic from Ofgem

Very interesting and rather joined up with the climate change committee and government which is pretty good. Coupled with actual companies like octopu...

4 years ago
RE: Heating house all day

@batalto Thanks, good to be reassured. Your neighbours ok with it all I assume. I have this evening pressed the button on two rooms having air to ai...

4 years ago
RE: Heating house all day

I hope to do the same thing at some point and local companies also around here say it’s permitted. I just read the odd contradiction so ask the questi...

4 years ago
RE: Heating house all day

Did any of you gents require or get planning permission for the air 2 air ASHP?

4 years ago
RE: The ASHP industry is not helping itself.

@julianc I agree hydrogen is likely to be very difficult to roll out widely anywhere, the climate change committee are very unlikely however to cons...

4 years ago
RE: The ASHP industry is not helping itself.

The last climate change committee reading I did explained that hydrogen would mostly be used in the colder parts of the country. It also explained for...

4 years ago
RE: The ASHP industry is not helping itself.

I agree with the thoughts the industry does not help itself but I further feel this is caused by the government. In fact the Government both national ...

4 years ago
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