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35 kWhs
Joined: Dec 29, 2022
Last seen: Dec 29, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: Why is my heat pump cooling my DHW?

Unfortunately I don't have the tools to do that properly. I probably can show some pictures of some of the values from some sensors and check if a cou...

2 years ago
RE: Why is my heat pump cooling my DHW?

One thing to note is there's no demand for space heating while the problem happens. And if space heating is working, there's no drop (except for the e...

2 years ago
RE: Why is my heat pump cooling my DHW?

@derek-m what should the valves do while the heat pump is not "hot enough"? Should they bypass the zones and the coil? Because otherwise that'll cool ...

2 years ago
RE: Why is my heat pump cooling my DHW?

I checked the "status menu", and it shows the defrosting cycle is not active. @editor in this particular case I'm using a high gain Joule Kodiak ...

2 years ago

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