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Graham Hendra
Graham Hendra
Reputable Member
1912 kWhs
Joined: Apr 14, 2021
Last seen: Jun 27, 2024
Topics: 6 / Replies: 95
RE: Dodgy Vaillant ASHP foundation & Eddi Diverter Making Central Heating Water Dirty

ok first there is no need and never has been a need for a concrete plinth, as long as your unit is level ish. Mine is on the grass, guess what it work...

4 weeks ago
RE: World’s Most Expensive Kettle: Undersized Heat Pump

i dont think they are dishonest, they just cant do the maths. back in the old days the supplier did the heat loss so this dindt happen. now any idiot ...

4 months ago
RE: World’s Most Expensive Kettle: Undersized Heat Pump

i agree pasiv houses are 10W/m^2 but by definition a passiv house wouldn't need a heating system. so i never come across them. They are also incredibl...

4 months ago
Replies: 0
Views: 286
Replies: 4
Views: 365
RE: National heat pump day April 12th

I used 3305 kWhrs over the whole year and 1608 kWhrs by the 12th April. not bad huh? it was higher than expected in the first 4 months as it was supe...

7 months ago
RE: Installation queries for Grant Aerona

@iancalderbank im no eco 4 expert i tend to steer well away from this sort of thing sorry

8 months ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

@derek-m to be honest i couldnt care less what they do. whatever happens there will be more paperwork and not a lot will happen.

1 year ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

@ginny i was the founder of freedom. But i dont work there any more, i haven't for 2 1/2 years, i sold it. I got fed up of people constantly asking fo...

1 year ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

i like it, yes , short and sweet

1 year ago
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