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Eminent Member
107 kWhs
Joined: Jan 3, 2023
Last seen: Aug 26, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 10
RE: The dreaded fast "cycling"

The hot water is a few long hot showers at a time when the timer is stopping reheating (just a little experiment to see if it saves energy) - He...

2 years ago
RE: The dreaded fast "cycling"

40degrees at -10 outside; 30degrees at around +8degrees outside Heatpump thinks it's about 8degrees outside at the moment here in Newcastle (see pic...

2 years ago
RE: The dreaded fast "cycling"

Thanks @derek-m I have opened up all thermostats, lowered temp, and then switched to compensation mode - seems to have reduced the cycling (see ...

2 years ago
RE: The dreaded fast "cycling"

Thanks! There seemed to be a major flaw in the set up which led to hot water from the heating system entering the radiators even when central heating ...

2 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 1203
RE: Getting the best out of a heat pump - is Homely a possible answer?

I struggle with the concept of steady state continuous heating when we are up to temp in one hour the next morning. Isn’t the priority to eliminate un...

2 years ago
RE: Getting the best out of a heat pump - is Homely a possible answer?

Good pushback to my question. I agree that the outside temp is best predictor of future inside temp. But, there is a leap then to assuming the air to ...

2 years ago
RE: Getting the best out of a heat pump - is Homely a possible answer?

There's so much of interest in this thread. I know there is much controversy about compensation curves but to me it's a strange concept that the outdo...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan controller upgrade - your opinion please?

Very well said, especially the selling of said-child! Fully agree re difference between all of our homes - it's a challenge! Thanks for your help - he...

2 years ago
RE: Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

I voted average because whilst it all works roughly - the system is way too complex. There are four ways to change the settings! Installers in my opin...

2 years ago
RE: Getting the best out of a heat pump - is Homely a possible answer?

Agreed on compensation curves being a weird way to run a heatpump - especially given the outside temperature is (much) lower at night and heatpumps wo...

2 years ago

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