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Joined: Jan 16, 2024
Last seen: Mar 22, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 187
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

that’s ideally what I’d like to have done to (once current plumbers sort the rad sizing under the contract, I don’t want them touching anything else)....

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

Hi Ken, lagging is done just used an old photo for the detail of pipes. I’m hoping for rad upsize replacement then will look later in the year for rem...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

4 days later, with guests over the weekend I left things mostly alone. I did end up changing the secondary pump speed to 1/3 as lock shields became a...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

Thanks Toodles, hopefully I can get there. Does look like a lot of rad changes incoming however due to a complete mess up by the plumbers but will s...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

So plumbers have sent over adjusted calcs……… This puts all rooms basically bar my office, the main bathroom and downstairs toilet at watt defici...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

thabks toodles for the balancing tip, that’s definately got me further. When it hit 20C last night was a huge joy. Drayton seem to do themselves...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

Thanks Derek, seems consistently the TRV side. Balancing with the Drayton key seemed to push downstairs up, just dropping living room 2 rads to 5/6 ...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

Unfortunately can't see any indication. I've for now put Bed 1 on 3/6 using the Drayton tool, Bed 2 on 3/6 also. Bed 4 one is on 4/6 and one on 3/6...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

For balancing, finding the order in which between upstairs and downstairs heat up is somewhat difficult to pin down. So approach I've taken was: ...

4 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

Just wanted to say a thank you to everyone on the thread again. Funnily enough ahead of the Drayton balancing key arriving tomorrow was watching...

5 months ago
RE: Grant 13kW Aerona3 - issues getting zones to temp

Hi Ian, turned out just a production number, got it confirmed with Drayton. Rather confusing thing to have lol. Had hoped it was a eureka moment but a...

5 months ago
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