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268 kWhs
Joined: Jan 22, 2025
Last seen: Feb 20, 2025
Topics: 2 / Replies: 52
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Jiggling the pin gets it going again, but it just jams again if I (or the TRV) closes it right down. I've left the Evohome TRV head off, and I've a...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Graphs for midnight onwards this morning, cycling much reduced. Running in Auto Adapt mode, with the Mitsubishi wireless thermostat set to 0.5 degre...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Thanks for the link and the chart. Says what the aims are, which is what I expected it to do. I've decided to leave the Evohome relay connected ...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Finally got time to fit the wireless remote, and try auto adaptation mode this morning. I left the Evohome boiler relay connected, but I'll have to ...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Heat pumps, electric cars, and climate change seem to be very divisive subjects. I'm not sure there's any way to educate the general population, short...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Thing is, many people replacing a gas or oil boiler with a heatpump will already know (or be able to easily find out) how many kWH their house needs p...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

I've got the WC curve set for 49 degrees at zero, 32 degrees at 16 outside. 6 degrees outside today, so it's flowing at 43 degrees. Rooms are all ...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

That sounds feasible. Assuming it's currently set at the default (-5 to +5), then it doesn't appear to be working in WC mode - it's currently stopping...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

I was going to look at Thermo Diff, but it said I had to shut down before I could even see what the current settings were. Would you suggest lowerin...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Interesting. I'll have a trawl through the installation manual for the Ecodan, see if there's anything similar. I'm right down west, between Hel...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Unfortunately Home Assistant only stores detailed historical data for 10 days, then it saves hourly data long term. I need to tweak the system to stor...

1 month ago
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